“Let us now eat,” Relian cut in before Kenhel could add any more melodrama. “Everyone’s waiting for us to begin. You can have your explanation while the ladies eat.”


Cal stared down at the dessert on her plate, torn. Though the appetizing berry-covered cake was whispering her name, she feared if she ate much more, she’d explode. Though she hadn’t intended to pig out, Relian kept heaping delicious food on her plate. If she and Maggie couldn’t leave within a few days, both their waistlines would expand.

With a sigh she set her spoon down. “I’m afraid I can’t eat another bite.”

Relian turned an intense gaze to her. “You can’t? There are still more desserts to try.”

Laughing a bit self-consciously, she held up a hand. “No, I definitely can’t. Though I’m sure they’re a culinary experience that is sad to miss, I’ll have to pass.”

He nodded. “I don’t want you to become sick. There’ll be other times to try them.”

“Sounds like a plan.” She lapsed into silence. What to say now?

Maggie, bless her heart, took that dilemma from her. “I agree with you, Cal. I’m too stuffed to eat another bite.” With a look of bliss on her face, she patted her stomach.

“But not too full to take another sip, I see,” Talion added smoothly and pointed to the glass she had clutched in the other hand.

“This stuff?” Maggie scoffed. “It’s not much stronger than water, though I’m sort of surprised you serve any kind of wine with lunch.”

A chuckle came from further down the table. “It’s one of our stronger wines, Lady Maggie.”

Maggie and Cal glanced at the male who’d spoken. Even amongst all the other elves, he was quite the specimen. He ranked right up there with Relian and the king in handsomeness. Shiny dark brown hair lay about his shoulders, and a silver circlet sat upon his brow.

Her friend appeared to gawk at the stranger. “Really? It hadn’t felt that strong.”

The elf smiled, revealing a dimple in one of his cheeks. “It’s a very smooth wine, so it does tend to give that impression. By the way, I believe we’ve been amiss at introducing ourselves. I am Avrin, one of King Talion’s advisors.”

Both Cal and Maggie offered the required pleasantries, though it wasn’t too forced on their part. Avrin did seem like a really nice elf. After that, he took the time to introduce nearly a third of the table.

Most of the lords and ladies were friendly enough, even if their efforts felt put-on at times. But once Avrin got down to the black-haired elf, it all went sledding downhill. A lump formed in Cal’s throat. It was the Relian look-alike, and like always, he appeared none too happy.

“That is my nephew, Lord Eamon,” said Avrin with a slightly strained smile.

Cal nearly raised a brow. It appeared Avrin might have issues with Eamon. No surprise there. The nephew’s sense of superiority practically dripped off him.

A sneer blunted the handsome lines of Eamon’s face. “Charmed, I’m sure. How are you enjoying your stay here, mortals?”

So taken aback for a moment, Cal forgot how to speak. Then a spark of anger lit in her chest, but she’d not make a scene here. “The palace is lovely.”

“Yes, very lovely,” added Maggie, glaring at the jerkward. And knowing Maggie, she probably restrained herself from calling him that. Even Cal wanted to hurtle a few choice names at him, but that would have to wait until she and Maggie were back in the privacy of their chambers.

A warning growl left Relian, and he was leaning forward as if to get up. “Eamon, you will give both ladies the proper respect, or I’ll—”

Cal watched the interplay between the males. Though it made her stomach flutter that Relian stood up for her and Maggie, the repressed violence coiled around him warned that a fight could too easily erupt.

Talion leveled a steely gaze on Eamon before addressing Relian. “Peace, my son. Lord Eamon will show them respect, or he’ll leave.” Turning his attention solely to Eamon, he spoke again, the threat clear in his soft voice. “Do you understand?”

Eamon looked as if he’d swallowed something gross, which would’ve been hilarious if she still didn’t fear that Relian would pummel him. “Yes,” he spat out.

“Tsk, tsk, what are you forgetting?” asked the king with an arched brow.

Eamon ground his teeth. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“The presentation leaves something to be desired, but it’ll do,” Talion said.

Relian fingered a dinner knife, anger lending him a hungry look. “I’ll be happy to take him to the training grounds and beat some manners into him.”

Oh, God, should she say something? She really didn’t want to be caught in the middle of a fight. Someone would probably deck her on accident. Or if it were Eamon, on purpose.

“I’d like to see you try,” ground out Eamon, slapping his hands down on the table.

Relian flung the knife aside, and it clanged against the stone floor. “I’ve done it before, so we all know the—”

Talion steepled his fingers, and he pinned both dark-haired elves with a stern glance. “Now, now, stop squabbling. This isn’t the way to put newly arrived guests at ease.”

Across the table from Cal, there was a dull thud and a “oh, shit!” from Maggie.

When Cal saw the spilled wine covering Maggie and Kenhel’s fronts, she almost cradled her forehead in her hands. Great, Maggie just had to add to the chaos.