Cal lay back with a sigh. “This is some place, isn’t it?”

Both women perused the room, taking in all it had to offer. The chamber, just like its connecting suite, was grand. Even to Cal’s untrained eye, the room screamed out elegant craftsmanship wherever she looked. The finest silks and linens outfitted the bed with an exquisitely embroidered perfection that could’ve graced the finest luxury-home magazines. Tapestries and other hangings lined the stone walls.

“It’s too perfect.” Maggie gestured wildly around her. “You know, it’s not natural.”

“The room?”

“The room, the whole place.”

Cal stretched her arms above her head while considering what Maggie had said. After a few moments, she nodded. “Even the people appear that way. They have that certain air to them. Though they look perfect, there’s something I can’t quite put my finger on. Maybe it’s the quality of reserve and mystery that hangs about them.”

“Repressed!” chortled Maggie, apparently finding it hilarious to imagine repressed elves.

Against her will, Cal gave a small chuckle. “No, I actually wasn’t aiming for that word, believe it or not. As I said, they have this mysterious quality, and I think they know full well what they’re doing. That’s what scares me. There’s more going on here than what we’ve been told.”

Maggie’s smile slipped from her face. “I know what you mean. They’re very carefully controlled, demeanor-wise. So what’s underneath? Are we as mysterious to them?”

“You know as much as I do. It’s a confusing place, and we haven’t been here for a day yet. Oh, and you better be careful lest you start sounding like them.”

Maggie pouted. “Me? At least I just said ‘mysterious’ and not ‘lest.’ That’s such an old-fashioned word.”

In answer, Cal picked up a green silk pillow and aimed it at her friend’s head. Maggie let out a surprised squeak, diving to the other side of the huge bed. “That’s behavior unfitting a future princess, don’t you think?”

Cal chucked another pillow, and it made its mark this time.