“What’s wrong?” he asked, lifting his head.

“My bracelet! It’s gone.” She reached for his wrist and grabbed it from where it rested on her stomach. “Yours, too.”

He’d forgotten to tell her. His face blanched, and he heard her draw in a sharp breath. She’d believe he’d yet kept another thing from her.

“What is it, Relian?”

Her demand rang in his ears. He couldn’t fault her, even though he hadn’t intentionally kept the news from her. “They are as they should be.” Her face darkened, and he hastened to explain. “This wasn’t kept from you on purpose. I just...forgot.” He shot her a contrite look.

“Forgot?” she echoed.

“I was preoccupied with the effects of the bond, as I explained to you last night. It didn’t even occur to me to mention it. Indeed, it didn’t even cross my mind.” He cupped her chin. “Forgive me for letting the bracelet’s disappearance cause you alarm.” Frowning, he paused. “That’s actually the wrong word. It didn’t disappear. It just fell off your wrist.”

“Fell off?”

At her surprised look, he nodded, trying to pull off a serious demeanor. “Yes, fell off. I imagine it’s somewhere in this bed.” He smiled and leaned down to nuzzle at her neck. Her quickened pulse was his reward, and he murmured against her soft skin, “Lost somewhere in this bed that has been so rumpled by our bedsport.”

She cuffed him playfully on the shoulder. “We haven’t been completely bonded but for a few minutes, and you’re already making fun of me?”

He wriggled his brows, trying to make her laugh. “I’m definitely having fun with you, and I intend to do so again.”

Cal gasped. “Naughty old man, that’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

“You did say bedsport, and I believe it was a satisfactory win for both of us, was it not? I know I played up to my lady’s every desire.”

“How do— Oh, our bond. I guess not much was secret while”—she blushed and looked down—“while we made love.”

“There were no mental barriers in place to stop the even flow and exchange of information, which is how it should be during such times.” He lifted her still flushed face from his chest and gave her a smile. “You also had to note how you satisfied me beyond every hope.”

“Yeah, I...could sense you.” She shook her head, apparently at a loss for words about the sharing of emotion. He knew it’d take some getting used to.

“And I you.” He rested his forehead against hers.

After a few moments, she grew mischievous and bit his ear. “Want to go again? Or are you too tired and old?”

With a speed that left her head reeling, he had her pinned underneath him. “Never too old for you. I believe that you find nothing decrepit about me.” He shifted over her, and she squeaked in surprise. “Now this old man is ready to engage in another round.”