
“You don’t sound overjoyed.” Maggie’s face clouded. “Do you really want to go through with this?”

“As crazy as it sounds, yes. I just never thought it’d be such a rushed, semi-forced affair. My emotions are all mixed up right now.”

Maggie fixed Cal with a serious look. “Answer one thing: do you love him? No beating around the denial bush. Yes or no?”

“What?” She shouldn’t be surprised. This was Maggie, after all.

“You heard me. Do you?”

Cal hesitated. Even though she did love Relian, she hated baring her soul that way.

Her friend sighed. “I’m not talking about that crap we see in movies about fireworks and needing the person to survive. You don’t need any man, elf or not, to survive. So don’t think. Just answer.”


“Yes?” Satisfaction flashed over Maggie’s face as though she’d won a challenging round against the king. “There you go. That’s what you needed to know, and it’s all the answer you need. Forget everything else for right now.”

Cal shot her friend a confused look. “But I already knew.”

“So my whole inspirational speech was for nothing? Why didn’t you share that sooner?” Maggie shook her head and then flashed her a grin. “Girl, you're getting married—at least the elvish equivalent of it. Just think, you’ll have forever with him.”

Cal’s tentative happiness died. “The immortal thing is a bit of a problem. I’ve realized I’ll stay young physically while everyone I know back on Earth will grow old.”

Maggie gave an understanding nod. “And die.”

“And die,” Cal echoed, the hollow sound reverberating inside her head. As it stood now, her family and Maggie would wither like fast-blooming flowers.

Maggie rubbed Cal’s back soothingly. “I’m not going to lie to you. It’ll be hard. But I have the feeling you’ll be spending most of your time in Eria, with the occasional visit to your family.”

“How will I even begin to explain it to them?”

Maggie shrugged. “Wait and see. Maybe you won’t have to.”

Cal made a face at her. “If I don’t, they’ll soon notice I hardly age, if I do at all.”

“I don’t know the answer, Cal, other than let time take care of it.”

She shot her friend an amused glance. “You’re beginning to sound like an elf.”

Maggie gagged in disgust. “No, thank you. I’ll sound human, please. Hey, look on the bright side. At least you won’t turn into an elf even if you gain the lifespan of one.”