All too soon they neared the council chamber, the honorary guard assigned to them walking a pace behind. That took some getting used to. Though it was called honorary, she knew it was as much a matter of security as a show of power. Relian took no chances with her safety after Eamon’s attack.

Now, her gown was a show of power. The ivory confection floated over her skin, the silver threads that ran through it glinting like moonbeams. As they entered the wide hall, she saw that Relian stood with the king, surrounded by the lords and ladies of the court. There were so many people present that her anger at Relian nearly deflated. Maybe that was a good thing. She couldn’t countenance making a scene here, so any confrontation would have to wait. She didn’t want everyone to remember her as “that human.”

She grabbed at any patience she had. Patience in dealing with Relian and the measuring looks the other elves cast her way. Those speculative stares ran the gamut from open curiosity to downright judgmental. They all had one thing in common, though: their owners delivered them with an oh-so-cool demeanor that left her scrambling to find an ounce of warm emotion buried under their coldly serene exteriors. Those faces could grace the highest fashion magazines back home, but all she could see was the cruel beauty that could freeze a person if one ventured too near.

She unclenched her hands. Well, she could play that way, too. Cool, calm, and collected was what she’d be. When she and Maggie halted in front of Relian and his father, her thoughts came to a stop, allowing some sense of perseverance to flow through her. She curtsied in the way Arrein taught her, adding that all-too-important hand gesture used in formal and informal situations—with head bowed, fingers briefly touching the forehead. Maggie followed suit. Relian and his father returned the hand gesture, not bowing from the waist, as their station didn’t require it.

The king greeted them first. “Lady Calantha, Lady Margaret, you’re both a welcome sight after a long council. If there are no protests, I would like to introduce you both to all those gathered here. Everyone is anxious to meet you.” At this, he looked around at everybody assembled and gave them a steel-coated look. Murmurs of assent immediately arose.

Turning, the king sent his son a smile. “Relian, if you would escort Lady Calantha?”

“Of course, Father.” Then Relian offered up his own greeting to Cal. “My lady, it is indeed good to see you.” He lifted her hand up to his lips, causing the female populace to sigh in adoration. “You shine in that gown. It only adds to your beauty.”

Cal felt herself melting like a piece of chocolate under Relian’s insistent attentions but forced her anger to the forefront. She’d make nice with him for now, but he wouldn’t charm her out of her well-deserved anger. He just better have a good answer.

“You are too kind, my prince.” Cal kept her voice an even monotone.

Surprise flashed in his eyes, and he lifted a brow.

She leaned in toward him, and whispered, “Later.”

His jaw firmed, and comprehension flared in his eyes. So he knew she was angry but still followed her lead. She snorted to herself. What else could he do, surrounded as they were?

As Relian escorted her away, the king commandeered Maggie. Her friend was getting the royal treatment and didn’t seem too happy about it. Now Cal could appreciate her own situation a little more. Even though she didn’t want Relian to parade her around, even though she desperately desired to evade all attention, there was a worse thing than having a prince by her side: it was called a king.

While Relian introduced her to the peerage of the realm, he was more formal with her than usual. She shook away the pang that shot through her. After more introductions and conversations than she could count, the realization that some people had warmed to her lightened her heart. Their icy reserve retreated like a glacier, slowly inching away but leaving the indelible signs of its movements. There were even a few with whom she could see becoming friends. Maybe this place wouldn’t be so bad after all. And there was Relian. Always Relian, whether he was cold, hot, or everything between. If only he hadn’t lied.

Her anger petered out for a second, only to reignite when he motioned for them to slip away. He led her to a private alcove located in one of the less traversed hallways. It was an idyllic spot with an elaborately framed window that sported a built-in seat.

As usual, the delicate shutters were folded open, allowing fresh air and sunshine to come streaming in. She’d since learned why there was no glass. Elves had their enchantments, especially ones over nature that could attract or repel the elements. They could keep out rain and insects while allowing everything else in they deemed desirable.

Pale gold curtains completed the private effect of the little space. Relian detached the sashes that held both sides open, and the material swished closed around them.

As soon as he sat and faced her, she pointed at her binding before poking him in the chest. “How could you not tell me the truth?” Though her voice remained steady, her hands shook, and her heart thudded in her ears. She screeched out her next words. “Did you somehow put the binding on me, because that seems to be how everyone else gets it?”

A flame of alarm crossed his eyes before they blanked. “No, our case isn’t the usual...occurrence.”

So he hadn’t willfully trapped her? Somewhat mollified, she placed her hands on her hips. “Then explain this ‘occurrence’ to me.”

He avoided her eyes while pulling her down to sit beside him. “In the beginning, I had no way to know the state of your emotional health. Until I could assess this, I thought your arrival in Eria was enough for you to handle. I didn’t want to add to your burden by telling you how truly odd the binding’s occurrence was. Then I forgot to mention it later.”

Her mind froze at the mention of her mental health. Surely he couldn’t know her past history? Not likely.

She shrugged it off, deciding to concentrate on something more rewarding: ripping into him. Sitting didn’t stop her from poking him again. “I’m not a child. You don’t have to hide everything strange or upsetting from me. There are times I deserve the full, unvarnished truth, especially when it concerns me directly. This is one of them. And stop forgetting important stuff.”

He nodded and grabbed her hand before he could earn another jab. His fingers caressed the back of her hand as he looked down. Though he remained silent, she sensed he measured how much to tell her.

Cal stood up. She’d had enough, but he held tightly to her hand. She let out a huff of annoyance. “You know, this secretiveness is getting old. I might not be able to leave Eria right now, but I don’t have to make things easy on you.”

He lifted his head to gaze at her. “You’re right. Even though I suspect that you hold your own secrets, I should’ve given you the full story. What do you wish to know? I’ll answer as truthfully as I can, but I expect the same in return. You never talk about your younger years.”

Cal raised a skeptical brow but ignored his demands about her own secret-keeping. Where had she heard such promises before? Oh, yeah, from him.

He must excuse her if she didn’t dispense with her disbelief that easily. “Promise me.”

“Promise you what?”

“No more secrets that concern me.”