Chapter 22

Later that day, Cal sighed while she kicked at a few pebbles on the path. She’d hoped to meet Relian for their usual walk in the gardens, but he couldn’t make it. He’d been thoughtful and sent a servant to tell her, so she couldn’t fault him. Listlessness now filled her. She only wanted him.

Her stomach fluttered at the remembrance of that one explosive encounter in the garden and how it’d been interrupted. Though their exchanges hadn’t lost any of their passion, they never stepped so close to the edge as they had that one time. He wanted them to wait, and she agreed. Until she made a decision, sex would only complicate matters and muddy feelings. If he pushed her for more, she wasn’t sure how or, even if, she’d be able to deny him. Thankfully, he hadn’t used her weakness to his advantage.

She inhaled deeply. The garden was peaceful, though there were always elves nearby. They literally camouflaged themselves, blending into whatever background they stood against. The color of their clothes aided in this practice, as did the fluidity of their movements.

Just when she thought she was used to elves, a certain characteristic would leap out at her and tear away any notion in her psyche they were human. That melting into the background, into the shadows, was one that caught her off-guard all too frequently. No doubt there were at least one or more sentries or sentinels sheltering in the branches above her head or in any number of other places. At least she would be safe even if she found it rather creepy.

As she touched various plants, the feel of their texture underneath her fingertips soothed her. She no longer sought the reality of sensation to convince herself she was awake and not locked up somewhere in a straitjacket.

Her visits with Relian fostered a deepening familiarity between them, making both more open. That new sense of comfort seemed to make him more carefree with her. When he acted like that, she rewarded him with passionate kisses. It was a very enjoyable pattern to establish. Her heart quickened at the thought.

The touches and kisses they stole had been igniting a slow burn in her. Though she wanted to wait, she might spontaneously combust if she didn’t get some relief soon. An image of her exploding from Relian’s caresses caused her to chuckle. That wasn’t how she intended to come apart in his arms.

However, her other concerns hadn’t disappeared. They’d pop up at the most annoying, inopportune moments. She’d often shove them into the foggy recesses of her mind. Unfortunately, they had a tendency to unearth themselves. Issues like returning home, not to mention her finite life poised against the backdrop of his immortality, grew exponentially larger when she least expected. She’d have to talk to him soon.

Even now that she could converse with him in a limited manner, the situation wasn’t ideal. However, it was an improvement over complete silence or, worse, pantomiming. She did best when she could just listen and didn’t have to worry about formulating her own response.

Turning back the way she’d come, she decided to find Maggie. Even if she couldn’t see Relian now, she wasn’t going to mope.

When she took a path to the right, she halted. Two elf lords and one lady walked a few feet ahead. The lavishness of their clothes identified their station. She didn’t have much luck with those sorts of people, either here or back home. Definitely time to hightail it out of the garden. She pivoted around as silently as she could until a masculine voice reached her.

“How are you, my lady?”

She cringed and steeled herself. Maybe these were some of the friendlier elves around. Pasting a polite smile on her face, she tried to keep a calm and steady voice. “I’m fine, my lords and lady. And you?” She spoke slowly in Elvish, thinking if she did so, they might talk at a rate where she could puzzle out most of it.

The brown-haired male elf gave her a genial but knowing smile while the blonde male and female retained poker faces. She winced internally. Ouch, no friendly reception there.

The friendly elf spoke. “We are well. Lord Sardon, Lady Cianve, and I were enjoying the lovely day given to us. I am Lord Ennin.” He bowed slightly and touched his hand to his forehead in way of formal greeting.

Cal froze. Her four-hour-long daily Elvish lessons had truly helped her to improve. But not to such a degree that she’d begun to learn any basics of etiquette, except for simple greetings and farewells. She chose to stick with what she knew and executed a small curtsy. “Pleased to meet you.” Better than nothing. At least she’d attempted some form of pleasantry.

As none of the elves looked mortified, she must’ve acted with enough decorum not to look foolish. Ennin continued to smile, and Sardon kept on his non-expressive face—not hostile but certainly not welcoming by any stretch, either. Cianve disconcerted her most of all. The elvin woman’s measured gaze seemed to assess her, as if stacking her up against some invisible foe.

Ennin inclined his head. “We’re pleased to speak with you again. You infrequently attend meals in the great hall, so we’ve had little opportunity to reacquaint ourselves and see how you and Lady Maggie are familiarizing yourselves with Eria and its people.”

Surprise flickered through her because she understood most of what he said. “We’re taking our days as they come and learning slowly.” Her Elvish was fairly fluent, though probably riddled with mistakes. And forget about giving a longer answer. It was all she could do to form that short one. She was used to talking with Henril, Relian, and a few others, but this felt like a surprise test.

To her relief, Ennin beamed at her use of the language. Though Sardon’s face remained as implacable as before, was that a spark of approval in his eyes? Cianve, however, still watched her as if filing away all her measurements.

“We could ask for no more, my lady. It will come.”

Ennin made their farewells, and she sent him a smile of thanks. She’d given up on Sardon saying anything at all, but he offered up a short parting. The lady left with a regal nod of the head.

She watched them move off, dazed. That went better than expected. Even Sardon, whose frigid manner had convinced her he was a lost cause, hadn’t snubbed her. Maybe... Maybe she wouldn’t feel like such an outcast if she did stay here. Still, there was so much undecided, and even unspoken, between her and Relian. The notion of permanently living here shouldn’t be taken too far.

Now, what had she been about to do? Oh yes, find Maggie.

“Imagine seeing you here.”

Cal whirled around at the voice. Her heart sank. Eamon stood before her. So much for the goal of meeting nice elves today.

“Many greetings, my...lady.” He smirked. “Lost all your companions?”

Ice encased her veins at his smile and the taunting note in his voice. Since he was talking in a slow, indolent manner, she couldn’t pretend to misunderstand him. He creeped her out. The fact that he resembled Relian didn’t help. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“What? They left you all alone?” He prowled closer, and she stumbled back. “How did you like meeting one of Prince Relian’s ladies?”