“Let us go.”

Drew grinned. “I was having a tankard at the taproom this morning when he walked in,” he began to explain once they were out of the castle. “Sat beside me and had a tankard. I introduced myself and bought ale for everyone, and he told me he is from Gloucestershire, here on business but he is leaving after his drink.” Drew chuckled and reached up to pluck a leaf from the low branch they were walking under.

Harry waited for him to continue. The old brewery was closer to Grayfield than the new one but it was through a few hundred yards of woods. They did not ride because they did not wish to draw anyone’s attention.

“I told him I was from Gloucester, as well, and was leaving,” Drew continued. “We decided to go together. He excused himself to take a leak and I saw the innkeeper go after him. I followed them to the back of the inn where they exchanged coins. I bought him another ale when he returned to the taproom.” Drew winked at Harry and whispered, “Sleeping ale.”

Harry could not help laughing despite how anxious he was to see the man and question him.

“He slumped on our way out of the county, and I took him to the old brewery to await your trial. I must warn you that he is insensible, though.”

“Drew, you deserve a title for your service,” Harry commended.

“I am the second son of a marquess,” Drew mused, “obscure in society, handsome as a devil… Yes, I should be rewarded with a proper title. A castle, too, and a lovely wife.”

Harry smiled truly. Drew was a good man and deserved a good wife. “May you have all of those.”

His friend laughed and tipped his hat. “I am a wanderer, Harry.”

“And I was a beast. Anyone can change.”

Drew seemed to consider that as they arrived at the brewery. Drew led him to the cellar where the man was sitting on a chair with his legs and hands bound behind him, his head hanging.

“What did you give him? He is still insensible.”

Drew went to stand in front of the man, lightly slapping his cheek. “Miller, wake up!” He glanced at Harry. “Said that is his name. And I gave him what the ancients used on enemy soldiers before slaying them in their sleep. Do not worry. It will not kill him.” He slapped Miller again and the man jerked up.

Harry stepped forward, confirming that he was indeed the man who had followed him.

“You…you bastard!” Miller slurred at Drew.

“If you can remember what I did to you, then you can answer my questions.” Drew pointed at Harry. “Do you know this man?”

“Who does not know the Duke of Alderham?” Miller’s contempt was audible, and his words were clearer.

“What grudge do you have with me?” Harry asked.

“None.” Miller shrugged. “I was hired.”

“Who employed you?”

Miller shrugged again, refusing to respond.

“I am not a patient man, Miller,” Drew warned, “and Harry is less patient than I am.”

“Oh, I know. My employer told me about the monster he is.” Miller began to laugh. “You can kill me but I will never tell you anything.”

“What if we pay you thrice what your employer paid you?” Harry asked.

“I do not want your money!”

Drew motioned with his chin for Harry to speak privately with him. “I can make him talk.”

Harry immediately shook his head. He could not allow Drew to torture him. “We will keep him here and persuade him to tell us what we need to know. He is not the loyal sort, and if he does not want money, then something is being held against him to keep him quiet.”

“I agree,” Drew said, “but I wish you would allow me to get the answers you need. Men like these cannot be kept for long.”

“I understand, Drew. We will keep him and make him speak slowly,” he repeated so Drew understood him perfectly.