Bridget reached for the fastenings of his breeches while he pulled her chemise up her hips, his lips claiming hers.

Once his member was free, he took hold of her bottom, lifting her up, pushing into her, and exquisitely filling her. Her fingers raked his long hair before she removed his patch and tossed it to the ground. Harry groaned and his thrusts grew frantic.

The tension in her belly tightened as waves of pleasure coursed through her. Every time she thought she had reached the limit of achievable gratification, Harry gave her more. She trembled and mewled his name.

He pressed his lips to the base of her throat just where her pulse danced. His tongue swirled around it before descending her chest. Bridget pulled her chemise down for him and he took her nipple in his mouth, causing her to arch her back and surrender to the sensual tempest that overtook her.

When she attained her peak, he pushed deeper into her, as if to claim it as his, and followed her shortly. Her nipple slipped from his mouth and raised his piercing gaze to hers, holding it as his body shook. Then he lowered his head and buried his face in her neck, breathing heavily.

Bridget stroked his hair as her heart slowed and her body relaxed. Harry lifted his head and kissed her.

“You have stolen my senses,” he whispered.

She giggled as the euphoria that always accompanied her satisfaction curled around her. He eased her onto her feet and drew the straps of her chemise over her shoulders, while she fastened his breeches. Splaying her fingers, she moved her hand up his rigid abdomen and his chest, stopping where his heart beat. She could not believe how much she loved him, and her heart could barely contain it.

He must have perceived her emotions because he covered her hand with his and closed his eye, lowering his head until their foreheads touched.

They did not need to speak, for words were inadequate. They remained thusly for a long moment before he gently kissed her and straightened. He picked up her underthings and slung them over his shoulder, then took the lantern in one hand and her hand in the other.

Their pace was leisurely, and she asked him more about the dungeons. “Did you discover it by yourself?”

“I was nine, and the housekeeper at the time told me about it. I stole a lantern one evening and opened the door, exploring for hours.” He laughed. “I got lost several times and it was the most daunting feeling.”

“Was that why you mastered the place? So to not get lost again?”

His expression grew rueful. “I still did not know this place very well when I joined the military. I could not see well with my eye when I returned and I wanted to strengthen my memory of it. I would come down here with a lantern and walk for very long periods. When I knew every corner, I stopped coming with a lantern. I knew how many steps would take me where I wanted to be.”

Bridget gazed at him in awe, and when he caught her staring, his cheeks colored slightly.

“The practice honed my senses,” he finished. “Do you remember the night you found me having a nightmare in my study?” She nodded and he said, “I came here, and imagined showing you one of the places that helped me recover.”

“Now you have,” she whispered. “We should leave this place as it is, preserve it for our children.”

He turned to look at her. “I dream of having children with you, Bridget. Little girls who would look just like you.”

She rose on the tips of her toes to kiss his scarred cheek. “Our recent occupation might ensure their timely arrival,” she murmured, and his eye glinted.

“I do not doubt that.” They reached the stairs and he hurried her up, his intentions clear.

“My dress!” She laughed when he started pulling her down the hall. Harry looked down at her and let out a humorous expletive. He quickly helped her dress but as he was fastening the final buttons, Lander arrived.

The butler quickly cast his glance down when he saw Harry behind her. “I beg your pardon, Your Graces,” he muttered. “Lord Drew is here for you. He said the matter is urgent.”

“I will be there shortly,” Harry said, coming to stand in front of her. He did not say anything and only stroked her chin. Then quickly, he was walking down the hall after Lander.

Bridget clenched her teeth as her shoulders grew rigid. She had been in utter bliss mere moments ago but now she was filled with dread. Something loomed over Grayfield, and it threatened to snatch away her happiness.

Chapter 33

“Where are you coming from?” Drew asked as Harry entered his study. He had taken a seat behind the desk, his feet up and crossed at the ankles. “Your breeches are soiled with dirt.”

Harry shook his head. “There is no urgency if you have time to look at my breeches and question where I was.”

“There is an urgency. A great one.” Drew lowered his feet and stood. “I have found the man who followed you. He is the same man who has been paying the innkeeper to tell the villagers vile things about you.”

Hope, anger, something undefined, and more hope collided inside him. “Where is he?”

“I am keeping him at the old brewery,” Drew replied.