“What happened?” she asked immediately as he closed the door behind them.

“The ale in the brewery was contaminated,” he said, watching her eyes widen and then fill with ire.

“Why would anyone do this?”

“I believe I have made antagonists of my own and have not only my father’s to contend with.” He had thought of this before but he was certain of it now.

She took one of his hands and firmly held his gaze. “They will not triumph over us.”

“This is my battle, Bridget. You—“

She pressed a finger to his lips and smiled. “I am your wife.”

“And my equal,” he murmured, feeling his anger dissolve. His countenance was still grave, however. “Promise me that you will not leave the castle until we know who it is.” When she hesitated, he asked, “What is it?”

“We received another invitation from Lady Dilworth. A soirée in two nights.”

“Then I shall attend with you.” The words left his lips without him having thought of them and he realized how much he meant them. To protect her, he would suffer as many balls and soirées as he could.

A small gasp came from her and her eyes widened. “Harry, do you mean that? You do not—“

“Hush!” He smiled. “I am in earnest.”

Her arms came about his neck and she buried her face in his chest. He pulled her close, finding strength in his decision instead of the doubt and fear he expected.

A knock came at the door, and he reluctantly released her and strode to the door to open it himself.

“You summoned?” Drew was leaning against the doorframe, his head tilted and a small smile on his face.

“Yes.” He opened the door wider and waved for him to enter.

“Your Grace.” Drew bowed before Bridget. “It is a pleasure to see you again.”

“Likewise, Lord Drew.” She smiled.

“Please,” he said with exaggeration, “call me Drew. Your husband does.”

She glanced at Harry in uncertainty. He encouraged her to accept with a nod. Drew would not rest until he had his wish and accepting would save them all a lot of trouble.

“I shall, Drew, and you may address me as Bridget,” she said with no small measure of grace.

“Bridget is aware of why you are here,” Harry said, introducing the subject. “We may speak in her presence.” He silently assured Drew that he could trust her.

“Splendid. I do hate keeping secrets.” Drew clapped his hands together.

Harry snorted, guiding Bridget to sit in one of the chairs before his desk. “Your entire life is a secret.”

“Well, that cannot be helped.” Drew sat, while Harry remained standing by Bridget’s chair. “What appears to be the matter?”

Harry explained what he had seen at the brewery while Drew listened, his face drawn. “This is progressing faster than I thought,” he said after Harry had finished. “I have been speaking with every man in Daventon. There was mention of a gentleman who paid the innkeeper to spread word of yourwickednessabout the village. They believe you married an heiress, and are lavishing your new means on your castle. They now believe you to be worse than your father.”

He felt Bridget squeeze his hand, and he glanced down at her appreciatively, glad they had conversed about this earlier.

“The innkeeper will not tell me anything but I have eyes on him now. He is bound to communicate with the gentleman sometime,” Drew said.

Harry thought carefully about what Drew had said but for the life of him could not put a face on the suspect. “Thank you, Drew.”

“It is my honor to assist you, Harry, and you too, Bridget.” Drew smiled at her and stood. “Be assured that I will unravel this mystery for you.”