He nodded before looking down at a grinning Belinda. “She was in no danger, Belinda,” he said.

“I grew quite concerned when our dance ended and I could not find you anywhere in the ballroom.”

“Worry no more, dear Belinda, for you have found me.”

“Which is very well! I promised Harry that I won’t allow you to leave my sight tonight.”

“I made him a promise, too,” Gerard confessed, and she frowned.

Harry would task his aunt and friend to keep watch of her, yet refuse to be present. She took a breath and straightened her shoulders. It was time Harry learned of the fire she was made of.

They returned to the ballroom and on their way to the refreshment table, Bridget and Belinda overheard a conversation between three ladies. They stopped and Bridget’s shoulders grew rigid. She knew she would not be able to completely escape her past and had prepared to hear something said about her today, but she still was greatly discomposed by it.

“Did you know she was engaged to the Viscount of Lore before she became a duchess?” one of the ladies asked, clearly unaware of their presence.

“Oh, I do not believe I heard the story,” another replied.

“She seduced the viscount so he could marry her.” Bridget’s hands formed fists when she heard the lie, one part of her wanted to fight them and the other wished to flee. “I heard Lore was not the only gentleman she seduced. He exposed her and no gentleman in England will have her.”

“Her father was so desperate, he ran to the Duke of Alderham to ask on behalf of her for his hand in marriage.”

“Well,” a lady laughed, “it is not surprising that only such a man could marry her.”

Belinda stepped forward but Bridget quickly held her back, whispering, “It will not serve us well if we interfere.”

“But you must be defended, Bridget,” Belinda countered, her eyes flashing angrily.

Despite her humiliation, she smiled. “I appreciate it, Belinda. But I do not want to have more people talking about me tonight. They will if you challenge these ladies.”

Such was the hypocrisy of theton. They will pretend to respect her, so they were not seen offending a duchess, but speak ill of her once she was away.

“I suppose you are right.” Belinda sighed. “I do not like what they are saying.”

“She is a duchess now,” one of the ladies continued. “How such despicable behavior could be rewarded with such a rank is beyond me.”

“Bridget, forgive me,” Belinda said before stepping forward and tapping the lady’s shoulder with her fan. The short-statured blatherer was immediately flustered when she turned and saw Bridget and Belinda.

“My lady, I—”

Belinda held up a hand, silencing her. “I hope you understand the consequence of slandering a duchess.” The ladies were silent, and they could not meet Belinda or Bridget’s eyes. “And I will have you know that every lie you say or believe will not be forgotten by my family.”

Their mouths fell and one of them began to effusively apologize. Belinda turned to Bridget, and they walked away from the ladies. Humiliation had not allowed Bridget to defend herself, but she was immensely grateful for Belinda’s part in it.

“My dear, I could not allow them to continue talking about you like that. You—”

Bridget hugged her tightly. “Thank you, Belinda.”

“You are a duchess now and must demand the respect of one,” she finished with a smile.

Bridget wanted to leave the ball, but that would be revealing how affected she was by theton’sopinion. The rest of the evening would not be easy to bear.

Chapter 20

Harry set down his paintbrush and reached to touch Cato’s ear to wake him. Cato had been sleeping at his feet for two hours, which was the time he had spent painting.

The dog woke up and yawned. “We should return to civilization, my friend,” Harry said, rising. “Bridget has returned.” Harry knew when the carriage rolled in front of the castle about a half-hour ago. He had been by the window, thinking of the many ways he could apologize to her for his recent behavior.

Cato perked up at the mention of Bridget’s name and bounded for the door, his tail wagging.