Harry was unsure whether he was offended or not. All he knew was that he was not thrilled with the reaction Drew seemed to have gotten out of his wife. He wanted all of Bridget’s attention to be given to him. Only him.

A broad grin split across Drew’s face. “She is delightful, and I believe you are falling in love, my dear friend”

“What?” Harry felt something kick in his chest.

Chapter 17

“Are you already foxed?” Harry asked, going to sit behind his desk instead of by the hearth.

“Oh, no,” Drew replied, following him. “This observation was made with a very clear mind.” He folded his arms, leaned against the door, and studied Harry.

“Well, I would greatly appreciate it if you kept those observations to yourself.” Harry drew a sheet of parchment and dipped his quill in ink.

“You cannot even see what you feel,” his friend remarked.

Carefully, he returned the quill to the inkpot and regarded Drew. “We must hurry with our search. The longer we wait, the greater the opportunity we create for the perpetrator.”

“Oh, very well!” Drew threw his hands in surrender. “I shall depart for Daventon now.” He started toward the hallway then paused. “Will you have me for dinner?”


“Excellent. I shall look forward to it.” He grinned before opening the door and leaving.

Harry leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, reflecting on Drew’s observation. It was nonsense, of course. His heart was dead. He had never loved, nor could he ever love anyone in his life. Certainly, he was very fond of Belinda and Cato, and he desired Bridget more than he desired anything in his life thus far but that could not be love.

Shaking his head, he stood and marched to the door, bellowing Lander’s name.

The butler arrived almost immediately. “Yes, Your Grace?”

“Please inform the duchess and Monsieur Paquin that Lord Drew will be joining us for dinner.” He did not wish to see Bridget after the suggestion of love until he could better understand his thoughts.

“Of course, Your Grace,” Lander returned and hurried away.

Cato walked toward him, his tail wagging and his tongue hanging happily from his mouth. “I see you have not forgotten me,” Harry murmured, recalling Bridget’s jests in the tower, then the race before that. Something had loosened in his chest that afternoon. He did not know what it was but he was sure that it was her company that caused it.

Cato sat in front of him, his head tilted. Harry opened the study door wider. “Are you coming in?” he asked, and the dog stood and walked in. “Good.” He smiled and stroked his ears.

Sometime later, a knock came at his door. After calling for the visitor to enter, Gerard walked in. Cato let out a growl and Gerard returned it with a disapproving look.

“You still have not taught this dog manners, Harry.” He came to sit in front of the desk.

“I barely have any manners myself,” Harry returned.

“I am coming from the brewery. The new barrels just arrived.” Gerard looked at Cato again and the dog turned his face away. “I still cannot understand how he treats me poorly, yet he adores your wife. I have been your friend for more than a decade.”

It appeared everyone was determined to make him think of Bridget, especially when he needed to concentrate on his estate matters. “I cannot say, Gerard. Cato has his secrets, and my wife has the gift to make anyone and anything adore her.”

“Doyouadore her?” Gerard leaned forward in his seat and Harry groaned.

“How are the barrels?” Discussing business was the ideal diversion from talks of Bridget. He did not need Gerard to tell him he was growing soft and sweet after the blow Drew had dealt him.

“They are in excellent condition, and Gage locked the cellar once I left.” Gerard was aware of the damaged barrels, and he had been very displeased when he learned of them. Perhaps even more so than Harry had been. “I believe we should have this matter investigated, Harry. I have called upon a private eye to aid us. We must know who is contriving to ruin our business.”

“Excellent initiative, Gerard. I meant to discuss it with you but once more, you have proved how shrewder than me you are. You did well.” Harry regarded him appreciatively.

“Now we may begin aging the ale,” Gerard said, and Harry nodded.

“Drew is here,” he announced.