“My…” she tried but stopped until she had enough air and her heart beat slowed. “My aim…was…not to…win.”

“What was your aim, then?” His mouth twitched with humor.

Bridget dared herself for the third time that morning and stood on the tips of her toes, her lips brushing his. His arms immediately tightened around her waist, and he kissed her softly. As she leaned into him for a deeper kiss, he pulled away and took her hand, ascending the rest of the steps to the tower.

Bridget did not protest, and she felt as though she had progressed in today’s quest. That was enough for her to find contentment. The top of the tower was an empty room, and she slipped her hand from Harry’s to circle it, thinking of what she could use it for.

“You might have a better idea of what to do with it,” he said from his place near the door. “I have not found any success as you can likely tell.”

It could be a playroom for their children but she did not tell him that. They had yet to consummate their marriage, and he was determined to only kiss her. “I am sure we will find some use for it with a bit of thought,” she said instead, and he nodded.

They went to the second tower, which was identical to the first. “Every tower is the same,” he said. “Sadly, we cannot visit the other two, for they are in great disrepair, especially the stairs.”

“Well, I have ample time to think before they are repaired,” she said with a smile. “Do you suppose Cato would like a room here?”

Harry snorted. “I am sure Cato would prefer to be where you are.”

She feigned a gasp. “Are you envious?”

“No.” He sounded almost petulant.

“Heavens! You are!” she teased, and he refused to give her a response. She went to him, placing a hand on his arm. “We have the secret passages to explore.”

“Indeed, we do.” He offered her his arm, and they walked out of the room and down the stairs.

In the narrow hallway, which she learned every tower had, they met Lander.

“Your Graces.” He bowed and then turned to Harry. “Lord Drew Mercer is here.”

“Excellent,” Harry said. “Show him to my study. I shall be in shortly.” When Lander left, he turned to Bridget. “I fear I must leave you now.” He kissed her hand. “I shall see you tonight.”

That sounded like a promise and she beamed, allowing him to leave.

Chapter 16

“Harry, you devil!” came Drew’s voice when Harry walked into his study. “You did not tell me you took a wife!” He clapped him on the back, his dark eyes dancing with good humor.

Harry smiled, and it was the thought of Bridget that caused it, not his friend’s words. “I was not certain you were in England.” Drew was the second son of a marquess and once his comrade at arms. Now he served as an Agent of the Crown. They had not seen each other in more than a year.

“Well, here I am. Although, your letter would not have met me had it arrived later. My felicitations. I hope you made a good match.”

“Better than I deserve,” Harry murmured, earning a disapproving look from Drew.

“You know you deserve everything good in life. You earned it.”

He snorted, disinclined to speak on the subject. “I have an urgent matter that requires your skill.”

“Yes, I gathered.” Drew leaned forward in his seat, his dark brown hair falling over his brow. “I followed the messenger here once I received your missive. What is it?”

Harry explained what had occurred recently: the barrels, his tenants, and his suspicions about Squire Carlton.

“No, it cannot be Carlton,” Drew said carefully. “Carlton is not in England. I have a man at every port to report to me when they see him return. Besides, we gave him a good fright before he left. He would not dare return and make trouble for you again.”

“The former duke had more enemies than friends,” Harry sighed, finding his situation more puzzling. “It could be anyone with a grievance.”

“It could be,” Drew agreed. “You are in luck because my mission ended last month, and I have ample time to help you. I shall begin my investigation in Daventon.”

“Thank you, Drew.”