But her stubbornness would not allow the matter to rest, and she looked at the footman. “Please open the windows and snuff out the candles.”

He regarded her with uncertainty. The other footmen in the room seemed to be wearing the same expression on their faces. Bridget was not to be deterred, however, and she raised her chin.

“Of course, Your Grace,” he said, quickly moving to the windows.

“This has never been done before,” Belinda muttered but did not appear to be displeased.

“A beautifully featured room should not remain in the dark,” Bridget returned, then continued when Belinda touched her temple again, “Hmmm, perhaps we should brew some chamomile tea and honey. That should for certain cure your megrim.”

“How do you know?”

“My father has had his fair share of megrims with me as his sole caretaker. Fennel and honey are also a good combination.”

“I shall have some prepared right away then. Thank you, my dear.” She took a bite of her scone.

“Good morning!” a cheerful voice rang from the hallway and Bridget’s head turned in the direction to find Mr. Belmont standing at the entrance.

Belinda immediately began to choke on the scone she was eating, her face growing red.

Chapter 6

Bridget did not have time to return Mr. Belmont’s greeting as Belinda erupted in splatters of gasps. She placed a hand on her back to encourage her to cough. When Belinda regained her composure, Bridget poured some more tea for her and made her drink it to clear her throat.

“Pardon me,” Belinda said when she regained her voice.

“Think nothing of it,” Mr. Belmont said with a charming smile. “I am glad you are better, Lady Belinda.” He bowed to Bridget, then. “Your Grace.” And she inclined her head.

“How nice to see you this morning.” Belinda picked up a fan and began to flutter it, her face still red, the shade deepening. “I did not know you would be calling so early.”

“I was summoned by the duke,” he replied, drifting into the breakfast room and pulling out a chair to take a seat.

“Oh, but he is not home.” Belinda was now adjusting her turban. The woman seemed to be flustered, and Bridget suspected it was Mr. Belmont’s presence.

“Yes, I am aware. He asked me to wait here,” he said before turning to address Bridget. “How are you finding our old castle, Your Grace?”

Bridget thought his choice of pronoun odd but did not remark upon it. “I am yet to see it in its entirety, Mr. Belmont.”

“It might be very old, but it has quite a few charms.” He glanced about the room. “By Jove, this room is rather delightful with the windows open.”

“I think that, too, Gerard,” Belinda said.

His brown eyes turned to regard her, and he smiled. “You look lovely this morning, my lady.”

Her flush deepened, and Bridget found the exchange amusing, now certain Belinda fancied Mr. Belmont.

“Well…” She fanned herself vigorously. “Thank you.”

“Belmont?” the duke called from the hallway, and Bridget’s stomach fluttered.

“Alas, I must leave your wonderful company now.” Mr. Belmont stood and bowed.

Bridget’s eyes drifted to the door, expecting her husband to appear. But he only called Belmont, keeping himself far from her as he had promised.

Harry’s jaw clenched, and he was about to call Gerard again when the man stepped out of the breakfast room. He had wished to enter but had been deterred by the brightness in the room. He could not allow his wife to see him under such lighting. His scars would repel her, and his humiliation would increase tenfold.

“Tarrying, are we?” he asked, irritated, both at the brightness and at himself for his lack of assurance.

“I could not leave the company of such fine ladies so abruptly, Harry,” Gerard said.