“Drew is in England?” Gerard’s brows rose.

“Yes. He heard about my nuptials and came to see who shackled me.” He disliked lying to Gerard but no one must know about Drew’s true purpose here.

“Where is he?”

“In Daventon, likely charming a green girl out of her petticoats. He will return for dinner.”

“He is not staying at Grayfield?”

“You know he goes where he pleases. Will you join us tonight?” he invited.

“Certainly,” Gerard returned with great interest in seeing an old friend.

“Horse racing?” Bridget asked, turning to look from Harry to Lord Drew. Dinner was a pleasant affair tonight, and she was quickly discovering how charming Lord Drew was.

“Oh, Harry did not tell you about his racing days?” Lord Drew’s brows rose in disbelief.

She turned to her husband, who was rather quiet this evening, realizing that she knew nothing about him. He kept her completely out of depth. She caught his gaze and communicated her question.Will you tell me?

Harry lowered his gaze to the roast pork on his plate, cutting a bite and raising it to his lips.

“I will tell you, Your Grace,” Mr. Belmont said pleasantly, ignoring the warning look that Harry gave him. “Ten years ago, your husband possessed the fastest Arabian ever seen at Ascot. He was called Goliath.”

“Was?” Bridget asked, glancing at Harry.

“Alas, he died after he was unable to recover from an injury,” Mr. Belmont said regretfully.

“Did you ride him at the races?” Bridget asked Harry. She wanted to hear this from him.

“Yes, at every one of the races for four years,” Harry replied, dabbing at his mouth with a napkin before reaching for his wine.

“How was he injured?” she asked softly. Bridget should have regretted her question when she noticed his countenance darken but she did not.

“He fell and broke his back.” His response was terse enough to tell her the subject was closed for conversation.

“Unfortunate business that was,” Lord Drew said with a shake of his head.

There was more to this story, she thought, something pinching her heart. How was she to understand him and be the wife and duchess he needed when he kept her out of his life at every turn? Her throat began to tighten and she took a sip of her wine. Suddenly, dinner was no longer pleasant, and the shadow of Harry’s history loomed menacingly above them, threatening to redo every knot she had unraveled with him.

Her eyes met Belinda’s from across the table and the woman offered her a commiserating smile, which she greatly appreciated.

Their guests must have perceived the changed atmosphere because the dining room fell silent shortly after, and the civilized clatter of cutlery was the only sound that carried them to the end of the meal. She began to think that her ruined reputation might be the reason Harry was unwilling to tell her anything. Magnus had said that he had ensured she would never find happiness even if she married.

Perhaps this was what he meant by his threat. Perhaps Harry did not trust her at all.

Bridget and Belinda retired to the drawing room, leaving the gentlemen to their port. As she exited the dining room, she heard Lord Drew say, “A fine way to ruin a good evening, Harry.”

“Do not lose heart, my dear,” Belinda said as they sat in the drawing room. Cato was sleeping near the fire but woke at the sound of Belinda’s voice. He moved to Bridget’s feet and lay there, placing a protective paw on her foot.

This brought a soft smile to her features. “Thank you, Belinda. I do not know what I would do without you here.”

Belinda took her hand and squeezed it. “I am glad that I am. Harry was very fond of Goliath. He acquired him at nineteen and they raced for four years. I am sure he will tell you the story someday.”

Bridget swallowed, whispering, “He tells me nothing, Belinda.”

“He will in time,” she reassured her. Bridget could ask Belinda to tell her about Harry but she wanted him to tell her himself because she believed it would help create a bond between them.

After Belinda had retired and Bridget was certain Harry was alone in his study, she called Sarah to help her brew some tea for him, and like the night before, she took it to him herself. She did not change her clothes to seduce him tonight. Her midnight blue evening dress was lovely enough to tempt.