Page 43 of Two Bosses For Her



David returns to my side and asks, “Are you alright if I leave you alone?”

“I’m alright,” I reply. “I just need help getting proof.”

“That’s what I’m going to work on when I get back to the office,” he kisses my forehead and takes off. Before he leaves, he turns and asks, “You sure you’re going to be okay?”

Wiping my face with a damp cloth, I face him and say, “Yes. I’m going to call my sister and tell her what’s been going on. I’m still a little shaken up, but I’ll be fine. Thanks for all you’re doing to help me.”

He winks at me and flashes that winsome smile of his. “You bet, babe,” then he closes the door, disappearing from my home.

I make myself a cup of tea and take a seat on my sofa. Dialing Rose’s number, I wait for her to pick up and take a sip of the lemon chamomile tea. The aroma alone sends messages to my brain to relax and calm down.

“Hello?” Rose finally picks up the phone.

“Hey, sis,” I say with a quavering in my voice that her ear picks up instantly.

“What’s wrong?” she asks pertinently.

“Something awful happened this morning,” I swipe at a tear and sniffle as I trail off.

“I’m coming over. Sit tight, baby girl!” She hangs up the phone.

In the time it takes Rose to leave work and get to my home, I’ve gone and made my eyes red and bloated from crying. I feel so alone and yet, like the entire world knows what went on this morning. When Rose comes through the door, I’m curled in a ball on the sofa, surrounded by tissues.

“Awe, poor thing,” she hurries over to be at my side and picks me up into her arms, rocking me and smoothing my hair. “Tell me what happened, but take your time. Talk when you want to.”

I sit up, nodding my head and blowing my nose. “Well, I went for a run this morning and I became fearful that I was being followed. When the person went straight as I ran through a backyard to my back door, I chalked it up to me being paranoid.”

“Okay, so a stalker?” she asks me with probing eyes.

“I don’t know,” I shake my head, “But I got in here, took a shower and got ready for work…” I trail off, lost in the horrifying memory.

“And then?” Rose asks, patting my back.

“Someone pushed me into my closet and started,” my face twists as tears begin streaking down my face. “They were touching me, and told me that this was only the beginning.” I fully lean onto my sister’s shoulder, sobbing with such emotion, so many differing feelings clamoring to be at the front of them all. “The worst part is I think it’s somebody from work.”

“Oh my god!” she exclaims, placing her arms around me. “You need to quit that job.”

“No, I don’t want to do that,” I sit up quickly, hitting my head on Rose’s chin.

“Why not? It isn’t a safe place for you,” she says.

“Look, Rose, it’s my life,” I protest her immediate response. “They’ll get proof sooner or later. And I like working there, especially with my two new bosses. They are kind and considerate.” I let that sink in for a moment.

“But…” Rose begins as I cut her short.

“No buts, Rose,” I tell her with a firm voice. “I flop back into the sofa and blow my nose again. Looking over at her, I can see the concern written all over her face. Can I tell you something?”

“You can tell me anything, you know that,” Rose says patiently.

“I’ve made my peace with Michael and have come to terms regarding him. In the end, he would want me to be happy, Rose,” I say as a single tear slides down my cheek at the memory of him. “I do miss him and he’ll always be a part of me, but it’s time.”

“That’s well and good, but you’re being an idiot when it comes to your job. Michael would not want you to be in a situation like this,” Rose sharply reminds me.

“He’s dead, what good is that?” I question her concern. “They might catch whoever this is that’s harassing me and I can go on, living a happy life.” I feel like I’m fanning the flames of anger, slowly burning in my heart.