Another man playfully asks the one currently with me for a dance and he replies, “Wait your turn, buddy.” He backs off waiting at a nearby table.
When this song is over, he comes back and we dance a funky kinda strut and I begin laughing as we move around the floor, making it up as we go. Fully in the moment and laughing it up, I spin and see my new boss on the dance floor with some other gal.
I wave Rose and her dance partner over, pointing at James. “That’s my new boss, James.”
“Holy handsome hotness!” she exclaims as the guy dancing with her drops his jaw and walks away. “I’d be banging him day and night if I worked there,” she giggles.
“I know and the other boss, David, is just as handsome!” I say sucking my lower lip into my mouth and biting back words, but say, “I’m going to have a hard time focusing on my job.”
“At least someone will have ahardtime indeed,” she nudges my shoulder and snickers, looking for another man to pounce on. She can really be promiscuous sometimes, especially when a gorgeous hunk is in play.
I begin dancing with another man and to my surprise, James comes up and breaks in, sending the guy away. My face is red and I feel bad for the schmuck he sent away.
“Hello,” he looks down at me. “Fancy meeting you here.”
“Yeah, just out having fun,” I say as he pulls me in for the slow dance now playing. I can feel the heat emanating from his body and the smell of his cologne captivates my senses. His arms are like solid rock as he slowly glides me over the floor.
I will my senses to stop as this is the first time in a long time that I’ve allowed a man to get this close to me. Slow it down, gal. You don’t want to do anything that you’d regret.
The dance ends “Thank you,” I say as I look up into deep brown eyes. “For the dance.”
“My pleasure,” James bows and heads for the other side of the club.
Meandering back to my table in a dream-like state, I meet Rose with a fresh margarita. “I see you made nice with the boss,” she pushes a drink toward me. “Always nice to get in good with the boss.”
“Not that g—”
I’m stopped short by the man I first danced with and he’s got a menacing tone. “Hey, you owe me another dance, missy.”
“No. She doesn’t owe you a thing,” Rose jumps in to defend me.
“No thanks,” I take a drink of my margarita all the while inside my heart is beating fast with fear. “I-I’m done dancing this evening.”
“Well, I’m not done,” the man says. “I won’t be finished until I get my dance with—”
I look up to see what stops him from bellowing and I see that James has the man’s arm in his huge hands. The man looks at him and snarls, slapping his hand away.
“I believe the lady said ‘no,’” James says.
A knight in shining armor.
Hmm. That’s worth noting.
“You’d best be on your way before one of us gets hurt,” I look sternly at the man. “One of those people is me and I don’t take a shine to hurting myself. Get my drift?”
The man turns and shoots me a dangerous glare. He grunts as he pushes by me, knocking me back a little as he purposely nudges me. “This isn’t over,” he threatens Lily and angrily looks at me, pushing the door to the club open, finally leaving the establishment.
“I’m sorry,” I say to Lily.
“I’m Rose,” she jumps from her seat, eagerly extending her hand for a quick shake. It wasn’t a firm grip and for some reason, that bothers me. It feels a little closer to a lady-like dead fish handshake. But I know what she’s angling for. “Lily’s twin sister.”
“Oh, wow,” I turn and look at Lily with surprise. “Interesting. So can you guys read each other’s minds?”
For some reason, Lily thinks that is hilarious. I can tell that her level of inebriation is high as she flops around some as she laughs. “We get,” she hiccups, “Asks that all time.” Her speech is a whirl of slurs from the alcohol as she waves a drunken hand in my direction.