Page 45 of Two Bosses For Her

“No worries, at least for the moment,” he says as I take my seat again and watch as he scratches his neck. “So with no real leads on this, I began checking out all of our top engineers.”

“And how’d that go? Did you find anything out?” I ask, curious to know who I should keep a closer eye on.

“Not a thing,” he says, tossing the papers across his desk for me to look at. “All of them came out squeaky clean. I just began to pick each of them apart based on access to any files.”

I take the papers and peruse the top one, Jeff. “And this guy,” I turn the profile over so that he can see the face, “Jeff, he’s clean too?”

“Clean as a baby’s bottom after the shit is gone,” James replies. “I’m now in the process of going through the lower level engineers and the latest hires.

With that, I look up and stare at him across the desk. His look is steadfast and determined, and I know who he is talking about.

He plans to continue to check out Lily.

“C’mon, man,” I say, dropping the profiles in my lap and tilting my head back in exasperation. As I bring my head back up, I see that James’s look becomes harder.

“I’m not saying she did anything,” he explains his reasoning.

“But you’re still saying that she’s a suspect?” I say withH enough ire to ruffle his feathers. “I can see that we’re not going to see eye to eye on this subject.”

James sits up in his seat and points a finger at his desktop, leaning over it and staring at me. “I have a duty to protect this company and the information herein. It isn’t like she’s the only one suspected. We still have a lot of lower level engineers and drafters that will take time to check out.”

“If there are so many to still check out, then why in the hell aren’t we bringing in an investigator? A forensic one at that,” I ask, trying to keep my anger under control so that I don’t dive across the desk and knock him out.

“You need to stop it with that shit of bringing in an investigator. I don’t need someone getting in my way as I do this, and I can do it,” he emphatically says.

Shaking my head, I place the pile of profiles back on his desk and take a few deep breaths to clear my head. “I don’t get it, is there a piece of this puzzle that I’m missing somehow?”

“No, there isn’t anything that I know that you haven’t heard from me,” James says. “You know as much as I do for that matter.”

“So the employees don’t get the privilege of knowing that they are under investigation, is that what I’m hearing?” I ask.

“If we say anything, whoever is doing this will stop and we’ll never catch them,” he says, rubbing his face with a hand as he leans back in his seat. “And on the note of getting an investigator in here, I’m still saying no to that.”

“Fine! Whatever, but can you at least give me a better reason than just saying no because you don’t want someone to get in your way?” I ask him with impatience.

“It’s simple. Another person going through files and logs will raise suspicion and ward the perp off, thereby slowing down the investigation that I’m doing.”

“Alright, I see your point,” I say to him. “But are you still keeping the dogs on Lily?”

The look on his face tells all I need to know.



Seeing the determination in his defense of Lily, I watch as David stands from the seat across from me. Just behind him, standing at the door to my office, is Lily, her face is filled with anger and frustration. She stands there holding a stack of files for me to sign off on.

She appears to me like a scribbled drawing of a tiny woman with beady angry eyes and steam coming from her ears. I stifle a chuckle and then think about what me and David were discussing only moments ago.

And I didn’t think to close the door of my office.

Oh my god! She had been listening to every word that we said about her and it was then that I wanted to kick myself in the ass, having been caught in this very thing a couple of days ago. She has a right to be angry. Even more so now.

“Really?” she stomps just inside the office. “You couldn’t wait to talk about me later when I wasn’t here?” she says as her face turns red from anger.

And most likely more hurt than angry.

After I had apologized for the last one, we had quite a hot romp in here. Might as well kiss that goodbye.