“I shall escort you, either way, Your Grace,” Mr. Barnett offered reassuringly.

“Haverton House,” Edwina nodded, finally, turning her horse around again.

She thought that if she was at least in the city, she could be closer to Fergus in case something happened. At her father’s house, she could send word back to Simon to make plans for what their next move would be, and she would feel much better having her father comfort her, even if he would not know what to do.

As they rode through the quiet streets, Edwina kept looking down every alley and dark road, jumping at every sound in the darkness.

“You really do not believe your husband is the Monster of London?” Mr. Barnett asked, breaking their silence.

“No, I really do not,” she affirmed.

“I had not realized you married,” he continued. “When were you wed?”

“Only a few weeks ago, in a small, private ceremony,” she told him. “It all happened very quickly. I cannot go into the details, but I know him well enough to know he did not do the things they accuse him of.”

“If that is the case, then we shall endeavor to make this right,” Mr. Barnett promised. They stopped at the steps of Haverton House. The entire house was dark. Mr. Barnett got off Fergus’ horse first and helped her to dismount. She felt stiff and achy as she walked up the front steps and banged on the door.

“I can see if a driver can take you home,” Edwina offered while they waited in the darkness.

“That is all right. I do not live far from here,” Mr. Barnett said with a smile.

“Why are you being so kind?” Edwina asked, frowning. “Why do you not believe the rumors and lies?”

“Maybe because I am not like the rest of them and neither are you,” Mr. Barnett said with a shrug. “I was a simple merchant’s son and found my fortune. I know what it is like to work for a living. I have seen honest men used as scapegoats for those more privileged and more fortunate.”

“But my husband is a Duke,” Edwina pointed out, turning to knock on the door again.

“Of course, by title. But he is an outcast by society. And based on my limited knowledge of you, I believe that you are telling the truth. If there is any chance that His Grace is innocent, then I believe that he should receive justice.”

The door to the house finally swung open, revealing the butler hastily dressed. “Lady Hillow!” he cried.

Edwina turned back to Mr. Barnett. “Are you sure you do not want a ride home?”

“No, I shall go back to the gaol at once. It will be just as fast to walk. I shall send word as soon as I have it.”

Mr. Barnett bowed and turned to leave, so Edwina looked back to the butler.

“What on earth has happened?” he asked.