Fergus had just fallen asleep in the armchair in front of the fireplace in the library when a loud banging woke him. He jumped up, startled, his heart pounding in his chest, wondering if he had dreamed the noise. However, it quickly came again, and he heard the thin shouts of an angry woman. He heard the front door open and muffled voices floating up from below.

Curiosity won him over, and he made his way down to the foyer.

“Miss, I apologize, but as I said, His Grace is indisposed,” Simon said.

“I will search every room in this house!” the woman cried, her voice rising. “I will not leave until I speak to him!”

Fergus came down the stairs quietly, taking in the situation. The butler stood off to the side, frantically looking between Simon and the woman, who was backed by two servants, one man and one woman. The lady, who he guessed could only be in her early twenties, stood no higher than Simon’s chest. Her cheeks flushed with passion, and her blonde hair gleamed in the mix of early morning light and candlelight.

“That is just not possible,” Simon replied. “I can have him call upon you at his leisure.”

“His leisure!” she cried, balling her tiny hands into fists. Fergus quietly walked up behind Simon. Her eyes flicked back to him, and her mouth formed into a thin line of quiet determination, but he could not help but notice a tiny step back.

“What is going on?” he asked Simon.

Simon opened his mouth to speak, but the lady cut him off. “You have imprisoned my father under false pretenses, and I demand you release him at once.”

Simon gestured helplessly at the woman. “I apologize, Your Grace. I tried to ask her to be on her way.”

“So, you are the precious daughter that warranted a man stealing from me?” Fergus asked, smirking as he took her in. Her cheeks flushed pleasantly despite her ire.

“Stealing?” she asked incredulously. “He says he offered to pay, and so will I, but what are a few pence to a man like you? Do you enjoy watching others suffer?”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “You come in here making demands and then insult me. How do you reckon such behavior will give you what you want?” Her nostrils flared a little in anger, and her whole body trembled with rage. He almost laughed at her despite the circumstances, but strangely, he found her anger toward him attractive. It was almost pleasing for her to be angrier with him than fearful of him.

“Suppose we continue this conversation in private,” Fergus suggested in a low voice, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Very well,” the lady agreed, jutting her chin out at him.

“Miss, I do not think that advised,” the man with her whispered. The woman looked at her mistress with worry.

The lady nodded to them without heeding their words and followed Fergus as he led her to his study. She looked over her shoulder, back at her servants, almost with regret, as she disappeared up the stairs and down the hall on the second floor. Fergus led her past the library and into his study where he shut the door behind them.

“It is not usual for an unmarried lady to be alone with a man,” the lady told him in a softer voice though he could tell she still tried to appear strong.

“So, I have heard,” Fergus allowed, sitting down behind his desk. He indicated a chair in front of him, and she sat politely. “Pray tell, what is your name?”

“Edwina Haverton,” she told him, taking a deep breath as she folded her hands politely in her lap.

“And Miss Haverton, you wish to have me release your father,” he stated, weaving his fingers together and resting his chin on his knuckles.

“I think it absurd that you would charge a man for theft for cutting a few flowers.”

“Absurd,” he scoffed. “Now you insult me further.”

“I am not insulting you but your actions. I do not know you.”

“You do not know me, but you fear me,” he pointed out.

“I do not.”

“You are breathing quickly, and your eyes are wide. You sit stiffly in your seat, ready to spring up in case I come after you. Do you not?”

She scoffed, turning away from him briefly. His eyes flicked to her neck, distracting him for a moment. When she met his gaze again, he could see her anger returning, conquering her fear. “What else should I think of you? You threatened my father and led me to a room alone. Your actions have demonstrated that you are a man that does not regard mercy or propriety.”

He laughed, standing. She did not move or flinch as he came around the desk and leaned against it, folding his arms in front of him. He could see just a tiny sliver of her breast as he looked down her wrapper, but she did not seem to notice that he stared at her. If she did, she gave no indication.