“Someone has to do something!” Mrs. Fenton protested. “I shall feel safer knowing once he is caught.”

“Grab your arms and meet me back here!” Albert cried out. “We shall hunt this monster at midnight!” The chorus of cries roared around them, and Edwina clutched Mrs. Fenton tightly. The men started to scatter, and Edwina turned to her, even as Albert continued to shout out encouragement to the men.

“Do not lose your courage!” he called out.

“This is terrible; what if they catch the wrong man?” Edwina gasped. “They could hurt someone innocent!”

“Forget laziness; do not become lured by your warm bed or beautiful wives!”

“I think it is romantic,” Miss Beasley said.

“Whiskey, all around!” Albert called out over the crowd, waving to a footman. Mrs. Fenton and Miss Beasley started to help Edwina to her feet. She looked around in panic, men pushing about, reaching for a bottle of whiskey being passed around.

“It is just a drunken mob!” Edwina protested. “Do you not agree? These drunk men are more likely to hurt someone than the monster is tonight!”

“Of course, because they will be on the street preventing anyone from being attacked,” Mrs. Fenton said, trying to reason with her. “Are you feeling all right? You look pale.”

Mrs. Fenton touched her face, but Edwina could not keep her attention on the older woman. The music had stopped, and the only thing she could hear was the shouts of the men, hyped on Albert’s speech and alcohol.

“I must get home at once,” Edwina breathed. “I need to get my carriage.”

“Let us wait with you,” Mrs. Fenton said, taking her arm. Miss Beasley took the other while Polly followed behind them.

Edwina looked around for Leticia and Lady Pembroke, but she did not find either of them in the disheveled crowd. Fear pounded in her chest. She had to get back to Fergus at once before the angry mob heard the rumor of the masked attacker with his scars.