"You may visit any time, Ernest. Although, I must ask. Who is the message from?”

“I will tell you when I call.”

"Not there, you fool!" the dowager snapped at the lady’s maid. "Just leave. We can finish this later. Leave."

"Er…I think I will be leaving, too," Ernest announced before slithering out of the room, giving his grandmother no chance to stop him.

The maid bobbed a quick curtsy to Nicholas and Jenny on her way out. "Duchess," Jenny sat in a chair opposite her the dowager, "is that the Indian—"

"Hair dye?" she finished for her. "Yes. Monsieur Raphael sent it yesterday along with those orchids over there." She pointed at the orchids on a table near one of the windows.

"I thought as much." Jenny chuckled, plucking the bowl containing the green paste and sniffing it. It was neither pleasant nor unpleasant. "It surprisingly smells like a combination of herbs. I thought it would possess a putrid odor because of the color."

"Do I look like I would apply something that smells putrid to my hair?" the dowager asked.

"I don't know...one can do almost anything to turn back the hands of the clock." This came from Nicholas. He was sitting in a chair with the ankle of one leg atop the knee of the other. "If only it were that easy,” he finished smugly.

A snort almost escaped Jenny. No one was bold enough to give the dowager such a cutting remark. “What color will this turn your hair?” Jenny asked.

“Red,” she replied with a satisfied smile. “I, too, shall possess flaming hair.”

Nicholas looked equal parts curious, amused, and cautious now. "Should I be worried about your newfound friendship?" The question was directed at both of them.

"That depends..." his grandmother responded, her tone sly and her smile secretive.

“And who is this Monsieur Raphael?” Nicholas asked.

Jenny told him the tale and he laughed at his grandmother.

“You are seeking to regain your youth based on the compliments of a dandy?”

“Be quiet, boy.” She wrapped her head in a dark shawl and rearranged her skirts about her. The dowager shifting the subject from herself told Jenny she didn't wish to be the object of dissection and amusement.

“Now that the two of you are here, I wish to propose something to you.”

“What is it?” Nicholas asked.

“Do you have plans of hosting a ball as duke and duchess? You are obligated to before the season ends.”

“What would be the purpose of this ball and why must we hold it before the season ends?” Nicholas asked, exchanging a look with Jenny.

“Turn your nose up at it if you like. Jenny knows the importance of hosting a ball. It will be of great benefit to your career.”

“You are saying that a ball will elevate my esteem in the House of Lords?”

“You have been away from England for a long time. You would be surprised at the changes that have occurred,” she said.

Jenny decided to intervene by placing her hand on his arm. “Nicholas, having a ball would be nice.”

He gave Jenny a nod. “We shall have a ball then.”

“I will suggest—”

Nicholas raised a finger. “No, Grandmother. I think Jenny and I will organize the ball by ourselves.”

“I know the intricate details involved in these sorts of things. You will need my advice.”

Again, Jenny had to intervene. “We will consult you on some of the matters.”

“I hope you understand how fortunate you are to have a wife like her,” the dowager said to Nicholas. It was a compliment to Jenny and she smiled.

Regarding Nicholas being fortunate…their life was not going as she had imagined. She did not think she was fortunate to be married to him and she did not think he felt fortunate to be married to her either.

The dowager picked up a small gilded mirror and assessed her wrapped hair in it, turning her head at different angles for a better view. "Raphael said it is supposed to turn red after a short while."

“Then perhaps it is time to find out,” Jenny said.