“But then I grew bold,” Lady Josephine explained. “I knew the drug would keep you in a deep sleep. So on many nights, I would lie down next to you and cradle you in my arms.

“Except on one such night, I overslept. And Mr. McTavish and Polly arrived at your door with your breakfast tray, and they caught me lying in bed, embracing you. Quite innocently, I assure you! I just wanted to be close to you.”

Ace was dumbfounded by her story. It had the genuine ring of truth about it. He came before her and dropped to his knees. “Josie. Can you ever forgive me for wrongly suspecting you?”

“Oh Ace,” Lady Josephine said. She reached her arms out to him, and he buried his face in her lap. He lost himself in the scent of her long, lovely hair and in the softness of her thighs against his face.

He took her in his arms and began to kiss her, softly, sweetly and then with increasing passion. “Lock the chamber door,” she said to him. And she smiled.

It was the smile of the forest nymph, the goddess who had given him, a mere mortal man, such pleasure in his fevered dreams. And while dreams usually surpass reality, this reality did not disappoint. It aroused him just as he had imagined it would—even more, because this was the real Josie in his arms.

Despite the locked door, Ace did not claim her virginity from her. He found there was so much pleasure to be had from taking the pace slowly. She thought she knew all about lovemaking from those silly French novels she had read at school. But in truth, she had a lot to learn, and he wanted to be the one to teach her everything.

It’s difficult, though, he thought to himself.Even while I teach her that patience will only increase her ultimate pleasure, meanwhile I can barely hold myself back from ravishing her.

That night, he tasted her sweet, white breasts for the first time. As he sucked at the nipples, he felt them harden. He heard her moan, and he knew she liked it.

“Is that good, Josie? Does it please you?”

“Yes, yes—” She arched her back sensually, rubbing her breasts against his muscular chest.

“Slowly, my darling,” he told her.

“You will drive me mad, Ace.”

In a while, he had the delicate peignoir stripped off her. She lay there on the bed, unselfconscious about her nakedness, clearly confident in the beauty of her young body.

“Josie, it’s you who will drive me mad. It’s taking every ounce of self-restraint I’ve got, to keep from mounting you and riding you hard.”

“I need you to….” She did not seem to have the words to describe what she needed from him. But he was experienced enough to know how to satisfy her desire.

She was not shy. She trusted him completely, as she lay there exposed to his eyes. And this trust somehow aroused him even more, because it told him she felt safe with him, safe to explore her innermost desires.

“Ace, that feels so...good....”

He could see the outward physical signs of her arousal, the hardened nipples and the sweet moisture between her legs. Still, she showed no shyness.

With his sure, steady hands, he stroked her bottom for a while. Then those hands parted her thighs and looked at the most secret part of her.

“Oh Josephine, you’re beautiful….” He slid down so his head was between her legs. Using his mouth, he pleasured her until she screamed out. “Hush now, hush. We don’t want anyone to hear us.

“Here, lie in my arms for a little while. Let me wrap you in the counterpane and keep you warm.”

* * *

They slept for a while, sated. Ace badly wanted to teach her ways she could please him too. But he would wait for the next time. He didn’t want to be selfish. Tonight, it should be all about her and her pleasure.

As they lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, Lady Josephine said, “Ace?”

“Yes, my angel?”

“All this time, I thought you were angry at me.”

“Sometimes I was. It was the times when it seemed to me like you didn’t care about me. That’s when I got angry, because you matter so much to me. Josie, you’re everything in the world to me. You’re all I’ve got.”

“When did you know you felt that way?”

“Pretty much right from the start. I’ve loved you and desired you since I met you at Vauxhall Gardens. I’ve burned for you.”