She looked up at him with greenish eyes so crystalline, so pure, that for a moment, his heart gave way and he would have done anything for her. She was so young and innocent—she needed protection.

Stop, keep a grip on your emotions,he warned himself.No good comes from giving a woman power over you. My lord father taught me that.

“It’s just lord, don’t you carewhomyou marry? Not her title or fortune, but whether she is compatible with you, whether she makes you happy? For I do not believe I would make you happy, nor you me.”

“‘Happy’? Oh my dear girl, happiness is not to be expected, not at our level. We do our duty to family, King and country, that is all.

“Of course there are certain threshold character traits I insist upon in a wife, such as fidelity, thrift, maternal devotion to our children and obedience to me. I can offer a similar good character as a husband. And this is the basis of a successful marriage, not some romantic claptrap.”

Still she seemed to hesitate.What is wrong with the girl?

Lady Josephine stammered a little as she tried to frame a reply. “My lord Earl, this is a great honor but I had never expected to have to make such an important decision so quickly…. Might I have some time to consult my lord father’s good counsel?”

“Your lord father? Bah! He has already assured me of his full approval. His men of business and mine have been meeting regularly, drawing up property settlements and so forth.”

Even with that reassurance, she seemed to hesitate. She looked dazed.

I must be understanding of her. Of course she is dazed by such a prospect, a marriage proposal from a man of my standing. Poor child, no doubt she is frightened that she may not be good enough. Now is the time for me to play a man’s role and control the situation.

“My dear Josephine—may I call you that now?—it is understandable that you would feel overwhelmed, entering into this important obligation. But let us not be self-indulgent. There is a ballroom full of people in there, all breathlessly awaiting the announcement of our happy news. Come along now, let’s not keep them waiting.” And he took her firmly by the elbow and guided her, dazed as she was, back to the ballroom.

* * *

And so Lady Josephine found herself suddenly affianced to the Earl of Worthington. It was like losing herself in a bad dream she could not awake from.

The Dowager Countess, old crone, kissed both her cheeks with her wrinkled lips and said, “From now on, you will be my third daughter.” The “Two Prus” (as she and Lady Hermione had taken to calling the grim spinsters behind their backs) embraced her as a sister. But the Worthington ladies’ eyes were cold, and she could tell their affectionate words were meaningless.

Her lord Papa had tears in his eyes as he toasted the couple. Champagne was poured—a rare treat these days, given the country’s conflict with the French. Even the servants below stairs were treated to a round of brandy, so they could join the celebration.

Later, when all the coaches had departed, when the servants were clearing up in the grey light of dawn, Lady Josephine told Lady Hermione how the proposal had happened. “In that moment, it was as if I had no will of my own.”

“You, Jo? No will? You’re the gutsiest person I know.”

“I usually pride myself on my courage, you know that, Hermie! But there’s something about that man—he’s able todominateme. It’s as if, when he starts talking to me, I become a foolish, gauche girl of thirteen again. I have no other option but to do what he says. Like I’m in a trance.”

“But Jo, that’s horrible! He’s breaking your will—and you’re not even married to him yet. This will go on until what’s inside of you, what’s most precious in you, all just dies. You must talk to your lord father.”

Lady Josephine gave a bitter laugh. “My lord father is the one masterminding the whole situation. No doubt motivated by his love for me and concern for my safety.”

* * *

Of course, Ace was hovering unseen in the conservatory. He overheard the entire proposal, if it could even be called that.

Come on, Josie! he kept thinking.Show some of that spirit I admire so much. Tell him to keep his bloody proposal. Tell him you’d never marry such a cold-hearted bastard—you’re worth more than this.

But she had acted like a mere marionette on strings. The Earl, in essence,toldher she would be marrying him. And she did not refuse! Then he led her back to the toffs and made the whole thing official.

All around him, Ace could hear murmured comments from theton, cynically assessing the event like the outcome of a sports match.

“She’s a lovely filly, quite apart from all the Duke’s money....”

“I’d take her even if she hadn’t a farthing!”

And most puzzling to Ace, for it contained a word he did not understand, “The Earl is one lucky devil. You realize there’s no entail, don’t you?”

He wandered around the edges of the ballroom, disconsolate.She’s lost to me now. If she was ever mine.

And then an even worse thought,If she marries him, she’ll be lost to everyone. He will destroy her soul.