* * *

Of course Hermie came, and of course Hermie knew just how to listen, and how to soothe the feelings of her best friend.

Ace was hovering in a more shadowy part of the library. He had been listening to both of Lady Josephine’s conversations, both with her cousin and Lady Hermione. He knew she was aware of that.As she shares her troubles with her cousin and her friend, can it be that she is reaching out to me, also?He regretted that he had responded so icily to her the night of the ball.Perhaps she needs me now. No one else seems to comprehend the trouble she’s in.

Lady Josephine might not realize it, but Ace took his job very seriously. In an unobtrusive way, he was rarely far from her, at least when they were within Clover House. He had committed to the Duke that he would keep Lady Josephine safe, and he was bound and determined to do it.

“Lady Hermione?” Ace had waited to approach her until she was alone and ready to go home, back to Glaston Arms. He did not want to miss the chance to talk to her about Lady Josephine. He was very worried.

“Might I have a word, my lady?”

Lady Hermione laughed. “For a moment, I thought you were going to call me Miss Glump!” There was something kind about Ace that always made her feel comfortable, despite her innate shyness with men other than him. And of course they shared the secret of the London escapade.

“I almost did,” Ace said. “But seriously, my lady, I am very concerned about this marriage that is being considered between Lady Josephine and the Earl. I believe she isn’t far wrong in her assessment of the Worthington family, and how they’ll all treat her once they own her. My observations tell me they’re a pretty cold-hearted bunch.”

“It’s true that his lordship the Earl is rather harsh to her, Mr. Smith. Even right now, when they ought to be at their happiest getting to know one another...he seems more intent on breaking her will to his, right from the outset.”

“That’s an astute observation, Lady Hermione. There are men like that...I’ve known a few.”

“The problem,” Lady Hermione said firmly, “is that her own family doesn’t take her concerns seriously. They seem to think that one man is as good as another for her, so long as he has the right title and status in Society’s eyes. But Lady Josephine deserves more.”

“What do you mean—more? Most would say she already hasmuchmore than her proper share in life!” Ace said, with a touch of bitterness. “Many would say she’s naught but a spoiled socialite.”

“Oh, Mr. Smith,” Lady Hermione reproved him gently. “We both know better than that. Lady Josephine is high-spirited, but she has a very loving heart. It would break that heart—and mine too, as a witness!—if she were trapped all her days in a cruel, loveless marriage. Some women could manage it. But not Lady Josephine.”

“If there is aught we can do to help her—”

“I don’t know if there is. I really don’t. But we can keep our eyes and ears open and observe things—perhaps His Grace the Duke might listen to one or both of us, if we had a strong enough case against the Earl as a prospective husband. Her lord father does love Lady Josephine very much.”

“You can count on me, Lady Hermione,” Ace said with a winning smile. “Instruct me on what I may do to help.

“Thereisone thing you can do, Mr. Smith…show some kindness to Lady Josephine. She needs kindness and support from her friends right now.”

Ace’s face hardened. “Lady Hermione, I work for His Grace. I am merely doing a job—let’s keep it that way. I fear my showing Lady Josephine any especial kindness would only lead to further unhappiness in the long run.”

For her—but even more so for me. My heart is too involved already.