“Was there anything going on between you since Mr. Smith entered His Grace your lord father’s employ? Before he was attacked?”

“No.”I can answer that honestly, at least.“Mr. Smith’s behavior to me has been entirely professional since his arrival at Clover House.”

“Why this wild behavior, then, my lady?”

Lady Josephine could no longer keep her feelings in. It was true that McTavish had always been a friend to her, since the time she was a motherless little girl with a mostly absent father. She knew she could trust him, at least to a certain extent.

“Mr. McTavish, I love him! It’s not his fault—he doesn’t reciprocate my feelings. I am entirely to blame in this. But I love him.”

“My lady, there are some who might blame this on feminine hysteria, and others might say it’s caused by pre-wedding jitters. I don’t deny that Mr. Smith is a fine-looking man, and among all his boxing fans, there must be plenty of women out there who throw themselves at him.

“But you are in a very different position, my lady. You cannot indulge yourself in this passion—it would be utter madness. You have the honor of your father’s house to consider. And if I may say….” Here McTavish paused, as if uncertain how freely he could express himself.

“The man you are to wed—he has the reputation of having a very bad temper. If you embarrass him with another man—particularly one of much lower class than himself—I fear he’ll make you pay dearly for it.

“Promise me, Lady Josephine, that this will stop right now. I will agree to reveal your secret to no one—butonlyif you stop this madness now.”

“I can’t promise that, Mr. McTavish. I love him too much to stop.”

“Then I tremble for you, my lady. No harm will come to you from me, but as for how others will treat you if this scandal is made public—I tremble for you.”