“No. Miss Duckworth has been a loyal maid and lady’s companion to you since you first began putting your hair up and wearing long gowns. She is as worthless as Lady Hermione, though, at keeping you under control. Otherwise, you would never have been able to run away from Saltonbury’s, unobserved.

“And there’s little more they could teach you at that school by now, anyway. Time we pulled you out.”

The Duke stood up and paced about the room in a quandary. Where would Josephine be safest? Finally, he spoke.

“You will move to Clover House in London. Your cousin Lady Seraphina will join you there as chaperone. I will also be in residence, although I spend many evenings at my clubs. You will join the Season and be presented at Court.

“I hope shortly to arrange for you a good husband, appropriately high-ranked and wealthy, who can take you under his protection. I expect you to be wed, or at least engaged, before the Season ends in June. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, my lord Papa,” Lady Josephine said demurely.

The Duke looked over at her sharply. It was unlike Josephine to be so cooperative, when her own liberty was concerned.

“You realize there will be no gadding about? You will be under thorough, careful supervision and protection, every hour of every day.”

“Papa, I don’t need a nanny or a nursemaid, not at my age!” Lady Josephine protested.

“Believe me, this will be no nanny or nursemaid,” the Duke said firmly. “Nor will it be the compliant little Miss Duckworth. I have found someone much more likely to keep you in line. And he will have my permission to do whatever he needs to do to ensure your obedience.”

He left the room with no further explanation.

Even with her lord father’s warnings still ringing in her ears, Lady Josephine could only think of returning to London. Join the ongoing Season—certainly! Accept engagement to some suitable lord—not a problem! If those were the prices she had to pay to enjoy just a few more months of freedom back in the teeming, thrilling metropolis—then so be it. She would count the cost cheap.

For Lady Josephine had met a man during her few weeks’ stay in London. His name was Ace. She did not know him well enough to say she was dying in love, although that might well be the case. But truly, for the first time in her young life, she was burning in lust.