“My father never looked at me the same. I could see the blame in his eyes. I tried to do everything to help, to make up for it. It was never enough. Then he started sending me with messages to other garrisons. The powers that be were impressed with my stealth. They started to give me bigger and bigger jobs. I felt useful. Worthy.”

“And now? Do you still feel like that?”

Letty blinked, looking off into the distance. “It’s all I know how to do.”

The Duke smiled. “That’s not true. You can bake, too.”

Letty laughed. “You’re right. Icanbake.”

He sighed, giving her a thoughtful glance. “Guilt is a great motivator. But you cannot let it rule your life.” He reached out, smoothing back her hair. “Such a lovely woman, you deserve to find somebody who will appreciate your talents as a whole, who will love you for every single part of you.”

She swallowed a sob. “That’s all very well of you to say but it is not real life. It’s all a fairy tale. Real life is sacrifice and tragedy.”

He reached out, and enveloped her in his embrace. “I hope that one day, someone shows you that it can be different.”