Remi didn’t answer. Instead, she looked at Carmen’s arm. “You talk to me about abuse, but who did that to you?”

Carmen noticed the sleeve of her dress that had ridden up and she immediately covered the disfigured skin. It ran down like a snaking ugly scar starting at the elbow. “It was an accident,” Carmen said shortly. “It happened a long time ago.”

Remi stared at her in disbelief, but Carmen wasn’t about to explain herself to her. It would make no difference. She had seen a lot of cases like this before. The women seldom changed their minds. Those who had chosen to stay, with time, had come to be her dearest friends.

“You’ll find friends here, women just like you,” Carmen said.

“I can’t stay,” Remi said. “He migh’ look for me.”

“Then we shall protect you,” Carmen said. She looked up at Lily for support. “And we shall not let any harm come to you.”

“It’s not that easy,” Remi said. She didn’t look convinced at all. “Besides, what about the babe? How will it grow up here?”

“Wouldn’t you rather you stay alive for your baby than be at the mercy of the man who distrusts you?” Carmen said. “What if tomorrow he grows afraid that his bastard may lay claim to his title that his natural-born son deserves?”

Remi flinched at her harsh words. Carmen’s own heart ached but she needed the other woman to understand the gravity of the situation. Usually, they were so starved of affection that they took a kind word or smile as love, not knowing what it truly meant. Once upon a time, Carmen had tasted the sweet nectar of love. Or at least, she thought she had until reality finally came crashing down.

Without saying anything further, Carmen finished cleaning up Remi’s wounds. It would do little to soothe her bruises, but it would heal with time as long as she didn’t go back to the monster.

“Stay the night with us at least,” Carmen said, finally. She couldn’t imagine the poor woman out there in the night alone. “We have other women here who will take care of you.”

Remi nodded and Carmen felt a sigh of relief. “Good, now follow me.”