“I can’t say much,” Carmen said. “But you need to trust me on this.” Just then Remi arrived back at the house, her cloak covered in a thin sheet of mist. Where had she been? Instead of talking to any of them, she chose to stride away towards her rooms as if she already knew what was afoot. Carmen watched her closely as she walked away. She still thought she was involved with Jaxon in some manner. How else had he traced her here? He would need an informant. And Remi was that.

She wasn’t even surprised that the other woman was helping him. Jaxon had a way of manipulating people, to twist them into doing exactly what he wanted. And now he had won. But he would not let him get to Nora.

Carmen headed back to the sleeping quarters where Lily was lying down looking very distressed. She sat down beside her and said, “Help me keep an eye on Remi.”

When Lily started to protest, Carmen said, “Trust me on this. I knew Jaxon was here and I was right about that. Trust me on this. He probably had her placed here as a spy. He knew I would take her in, and he was right. I don’t want her speaking to Jaxon, at least not for tonight.”

Lily’s eyes widened as she took everything. “Why do you say that?”

“I want to keep Nora safe. If Jaxon found out that she is my…” Carmen trailed off hesitating to even say these words aloud in fear that he might hear her.

Lily placed a placating hand on her. “Don’t worry, Carmen. I’ll make sure of that. You don’t have to worry about anything. Nora isn’t going to come to any harm. And I’m sorry for not believing you earlier, but I’ll do better this time.”

Carmen nodded. She tossed and turned in her bed the entire night and found herself in a labyrinth of nightmares that involved Jaxon finding Nora and taking her away from her as she screamed. Finally, just before dawn she fell into a fitful spell of sleep after waking up. She woke up a few hours later with a start and knew there was something wrong.

The sun was up already. She had slept in. She quickly washed her face and made her way downstairs where the other women had already gathered for breakfast. They were all excitedly discussing about the opening night, which was tomorrow, but that was the farthest thing from Carmen’s mind. She looked around but there was no sign of either Remi or Jaxon.

“Have you seen Remi?” she asked Queenie who shook her head. “I haven’t seen her since last night.”

Carmen’s stomach twisted in knots as she abandoned her food and hurried towards where Jaxon was supposed to be sleeping. But there was no sign of him. Dread climbed up her stomach at the discovery. When she came back to the kitchen, the women were still talking.

“I heard two people arguing rather loudly,” Elaine said. “Her bed was empty when I woke up. Maybe she has had a disagreement with someone.”

No, something more sinister was afoot. Remi and Jaxon together were up to something.