Chapter Twenty-Four

Now that the thought had burrowed itself in her, she couldn’t help shaking it off. She spent the next few days keeping a close eye on Remi until just the day before the opening, she saw her slip out of the hall after dinner.

Carmen grabbed her own cloak and ran after her, hoping to figure out where she was headed. She shivered against the cold, dark night where there was not a sign of life. It had rained again in the evening and slush pulled at her shoes as she tried to keep Remi in her sight, careful enough to not get too close to her in case she got suspicious. When she turned the cut the corner that chased towards the docks, Remi had suddenly vanished.

The briny smell of the sea invaded her nose which meant even though she couldn’t see more than ten steps ahead of her, she was getting closer to the docks.

Carmen hurried towards where she thought she had gone but found no signs of her. She was all alone there. That’s when somebody grabbed her neck. The force almost lifted her off her feet as he threw her against the wall. Carmen choked as she tried to fight off her attacker and her eyes watered as his powerful hands crushed her throat. She kicked blindly and it connected with his shins and he fell over with a loud oof. His grip on her gone, Carmen wheezed, trying hard to catch her breath.

She started to run away when he caught her by her ankle and dragged her towards him. Her forehead hit the pavement and split open, blood gushing down the side of her face as she somehow managed to roll over and send her limbs flying. It had the desired effect and he let go of her.

She stood up and started running away when she heard the gun cock behind her. “Don’t you dare walk away from me,” he said. Carmen froze. It was Jaxon’s voice. There was no doubt about it. In her haste to get away from her attacker, she hadn’t stopped to think who it might be.

But now she slowly turned around and came face to face with the monster who had taken away her daughter, the man she had almost killed. “You,” she said.

Jaxon smiled at her sardonically. “Surprised to see me, sweetheart?”

She flinched at the endearment. “What are you doing here?”

He took a few steps towards her, his gun cocked at her. “Don’t try any funny moves on me. We both know how this is going to end.”

“What do you want?”

A smile pulled at his lips and she absolutely hated the sight of it. “I think you know. I lost something that belonged to me seven years ago and it was time I came for it.” His leering gaze made it obvious that he was referring to her. Carmen felt bile rise up her throat.

“I have nothing left to offer you.”

“No?” he said in a taunting voice. “Don’t play coy with me, Carmen. London is no place for you. I’ve come to take you back.”

* * *

Arthur was feeling restless following his encounter with Carmen. He had sent her away without any explanation and the guilt of it was eating away at him. He only knew that he had to see her.

He called on his foot servant and ordered him to take out his carriage. “But it’s quite late, Your Grace.”

His nerves were already frayed, and he practically snapped at the other man. “Do what I say.”

He could only rewind his conversation with Carmen on his way to the music hall. Once he got there, he knocked on the door briskly. The door was opened by a young girl whose eyes widened as she took him in. “I’m the Duke of Davenport.”

The girl curtsied him immediately. “Welcome, my Lord. And of course, I—we know all about you. Please come in.”

“Who is it?” a mousy red-haired woman said walking towards them while several others watched from behind the door.

“Lily,” the younger girl squeaked as the woman approached and took the opportunity to scamper out of there.

“I was looking for Carmen,” Arthur explained. “Have you seen her?”

“Well, she stepped out just a few moments ago,” the woman said. “Maybe she went out to the docks.” Arthur didn’t have the time to sit around and wait for her. Besides, she shouldn’t be out there alone.

He followed the directions the woman gave him and walked briskly toward his destination. In the distance, he heard people speaking and as he drew nearer, he realized it was Carmen. She was facing him while he couldn’t see the man she was addressing. Arthur squinted. He was clad in dark clothing and they seemed to be in the middle of an argument. But what was she doing here so late at night? The man stepped up to Carmen, too close for his comfort and Arthur barely contained himself. Carmen did nothing to stop the man as he leaned down and whispered something to her.

Finally, when he couldn’t control himself anymore Arthur stepped out of the shadows. When Carmen saw him, her eyes widened. The man glanced at his back and when he saw Arthur, he frowned. “Who are you?” His hands moved to the depths of the coat and for an instant Arthur thought he saw the gleam of something sinister. But then he had wrapped his arms around Carmen, and she didn’t protest.

“I can ask you the same question,” Arthur said. “Carmen, who is he?” The man was almost as tall as him with a gaunt face and thin lips, and cheeks that had turned hollow with age. He looked almost old enough to be his father.

“Can’t I even have a private moment with my wife?” the man asked coldly. Shock rippled through him. Wife?

“I…” Carmen began but the man squeezed her shoulders meaningfully rendering her quiet effectively.