Chapter Sixteen

When Carmen entered the lesson room, both Nora and Mrs. Cooper were notably absent which was strange. Usually when she came in, they were in the middle of a lesson. Just as she was thinking this, Mrs. Cooper came walking down the hallway.

“There you are dear. I was just looking for you,” Mrs. Cooper said, beaming at her.

“Where is Lady Nora?” Carmen asked.

“Ah, yes she’s probably in the kitchen helping the servants with the sandwiches. Her father forbids her to go down there but she doesn’t listen anyway,” Mrs. Cooper said with a chuckle.

Carmen cocked her head. “Sandwiches? Is there something happening today?”

“Well, yes, of course. We’re going down to the park for a picnic.”

Both of Carmen’s brows rose. “Am I dismissed for today then?” She had been with Remi the whole night yesterday and some rest would do her good.

Mrs. Cooper shook her head. “You misunderstood me. We’re going, all four of us.”

“Four?” Carmen said.

“The Duke is coming along as well. He’s very protective of his daughter, you know and…” Mrs. Cooper continued to speak but Carmen wasn’t listening anymore. A whole afternoon in close quarters with the Duke was the last thing she wanted especially with what had happened yesterday.

“I-I’m not sure I can go,” she said.

“You can’t?” A small voice came from behind her. Carmen turned around to see Nora looking at her with big violet eyes. “You don’t like picnics?”

“I do,” Carmen said. “It’s just that—” How was she going to explain to her that it was because of her father that she didn’t want to go. She had tried to convince herself that everything that had happened yesterday was nothing but a dream, but his hot touch was imprinted on her skin. His musk lingered in her nose. She couldn’t drive him out of her head even if she wanted to.

“But what? Is something bothering you? If its Papa that you’re worried about, don’t worry about him.”

“Okay,” Carmen said faintly but he was exactly what she was worried about. And more than him, she was afraid of the feelings that he ignited inside her. “I’ll come.”

Nora clapped her hands gleefully. “That’s splendid. Let’s go then.”

Mrs. Cooper cleared her throat. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Nora touched her head before giving Carmen a sheepish smile. “I’ll be back in a jiffy. I just need to comb my hair.”

“And change your dress too. Take all the time you need. The housekeeper will help you,” Mrs. Cooper said.

“Yes,” Nora said making a face.

“Milady, you’re the Duke’s daughter. How you present yourself in your social appearances matters a lot,” Mrs. Cooper said. “Now run along.”

After Nora left, Mrs. Cooper turned to Carmen with a shake of head. “I’m tired of making her understand.”

“I think we can overlook the little things, she’s only a child,” Carmen said. “And without a mother, too. I imagine everything must be very difficult for her.”

“I do understand, Miss Black, but Nora leaves me little to no choice. If I’m not a little stern with her now and then, she gets out of control.”

“Maybe because the adults around her don’t give her the credit she deserves. She has been nothing but an exceptional pupil to me,” Carmen pointed out. “I don’t remember the last time I scolded her.”

“Lady Nora likes you,” Mrs. Cooper said. “It’s almost strange how quickly she warmed up to you. Did you know that before me, the Duke had to dismiss almost ten governesses? Most of them didn’t last more than a week.”

Carmen blinked. “I had no idea.”

“If it appears that I’m severe to Lady Nora, it’s only because I don’t want her to get out of hand,” Mrs. Cooper said. “The Duke has forbidden me to use a cane on her so strong words of caution is all I have. So far, I’ve managed well. And ever since you came along…let’s just say things have been easier for all of us here. Ask any of the servants.”

“What do you mean?” Carmen asked.