Chapter Thirteen

Carmen knew she had made the right choice to find refuge in the garden, even if it was just for a few minutes. When she had her own, years ago, she loved to disappear inside it, read a book, or make up a tune under her breath as she watered some of the flowers.

She found a particularly desolate stretch of bushes and colorful flower beds with no servants in sight and a welcoming bench and sat. She breathed in the pleasant aroma of the flowers, her eyes closing at the warmth that the mid-morning sun brought her as it basked her back.

And then she heard the sound of running footsteps. When she looked up, Nora was running towards her with the biggest smile on her face. “Miss Black! You’re here, I cannot believe it.”

Carmen smiled and held her arms wide to motion the little girl to sit beside her. In the distance, she could almost swear that Ramon was watching them.

“Who told you I was here?” she asked.

“Word travels fast in the house and I have clever ears,” Nora said with a giggle.

Carmen gave her an amused smile. “Is there really such a thing called clever ears?”

“Well, nothing ever escapes me,” she said proudly. “I always find out everyone’s secrets.”

“You’re a clever girl,” Carmen agreed. But she supposed this time it wasn’t a coincidence that Nora was here.

“Miss Black, I apologize on my father’s remark. He shouldn’t have raised his voice on you. That was wrong on his part. Besides it wasn’t your fault that I practically dragged you upstairs.”

“It’s okay dearie—I mean milady.”

Nora shook her head. “I liked it when you called me that.”

“You’re the daughter of the Duchess. I cannot call you that,” Carmen explained gently.

“Why not?” Carmen asked, flabbergasted.

“Well, it has to do with the society’s rule that puts your title well over mine.”

“Don’t you have a title?” she asked curiously.

Carmen shook her head. “I’m afraid not.”

“Then I will come up with one for you,” Nora said. “Let me think of something.”

Just then the Duke appeared at the bend of the grassy trail. “Nora,” he said with a frown. “Don’t you have lessons?”

“I was just leaving,” Nora said hastily getting up from the bench. She waved at Carmen comically. “I’ll see you later, Miss Black.” And with that she vanished.

Carmen found herself smiling even after Nora had disappeared. She liked her very much.

“Was she bothering you?” the Duke asked.

Carmen shook her head. “I like her company. She’s not a bother to me.”

“Then come back,” he said. “I know what I did was wrong, and instead of apologizing, I got defensive about it. Nora misses you. She was miserable the last few days without you. It reminded me of the time…” He drifted off but Carmen understood what he was trying to say. Since her mother passed away…

“I’m sorry about the late Duchess and I’m sorry for intruding on what is obviously something sacred to you,” she said. “You must have loved her very much.”

“She was a good companion. I couldn’t complain or want for anything,” he said. They watched a butterfly flutter away, tracing its span together. Silence reigned between them, but it wasn’t uncomfortable at all. Carmen realized that it was the first time they were having a civil conversation.

“And about what happened before?” she asked.

He looked at her then. “I assure you; you shall never hear about it from me again nor shall I allow it to spoil your relationship with Nora or your ability to tutor her.”

Carmen blinked up at him. Why was he being so suddenly considerate? It felt like a trick of some sort. Was he willing to amend and overlook everything that had happened between them? A man of his title could have thrown her out of London for her audacity.