Arthur frowned. “How does someone do that?”

“As I said, it was an accident,” she said, through gritted teeth.

Arthur nodded and stepped away from her, taking his warmth with him. For a brief second, she missed him and immediately chastised herself at the thought. Then there was the kiss…She nigh shuddered at the thought of it. In that brief span of time, he had awakened something deep inside her, a blinding burst of passion that left her terrified in its wake. She was almost afraid of what the direction her thoughts were taking and immediately shut them down.No, it was just a mistake and it was best to be forgotten and be done with it.

“Did you say something?” he asked, frowning at her.

“I did not,” she said. The man seemed to see right through her. It was odd and jarring. He frowned. He did not seem to believe her.

“The kiss didn’t happen,” she said with a tone of finality.

Something flared in his eyes and just when she had the oddest thought that he would object to it, he said, “Fine. That works perfectly for both of us.”

“Fine,” she said just because she wanted to have the last word.

He would love to do as she wanted and forget, but unfortunately, he had started to see her in an entirely different light. He noticed the sway of her hips as she turned to face away from him, the slight part in her lips when she started to speak. And god, the fire he had seen in her eyes when he had stood over her…For a brief moment, he had peeked into a part of her soul hidden from everybody else. He could never unsee it.

“Now that that is well past us, I want you to continue your employment,” he said. “I’m willing to increase your wages if you so wish.”

Carmen sighed exasperatedly. She couldn’t believe the arrogant man. Did he really think she was doing this for more coins? “I have—” she began to speak, which is when somebody interrupted them by knocking on the door.

“Enter,” he called out, adjusting his cravat and coat. Carmen narrowed her eyes at him at the action. “I didn’t ruin it, just so you know,” she said. At her words, there was an unexpected surge of heat in his veins. He hoped he looked presentable enough as to not arouse any suspicion.

The room opened and Ramon entered. He threw a curious look between Carmen and him. “Lord Daxon is here to see you, Your Grace.”

Arthur cleared his throat. “Send him in.” He then turned to Carmen. “It’ll take me a few minutes to deal with the matter. Would you be so kind as to wait in the powder room?”

“I would rather wait in the gardens. It’s a pretty day today. I wouldn’t want to lose it indoors,” she said, just to test his patience. She found glee when she saw his nostrils flare. There was something unexpectedly thrilling of unruffling the proper and cold Lord Davenport. Even though she supposed she knew what lay inside that cold interior now that she had a glimpse…

She shook her head. “Don’t go that way, Carmen,” she said under her breath.

“This time you definitely spoke,” Lord Davenport said, narrowing his eyes at her. “Speak your mind if you have to say something.”

“I do have a lot to say, but I’d wait till you entertain your guest,” she said acidly. “I’ll take my leave now, Your Grace.”

She noticed the Earl walk up to the door just as she was leaving. He looked at her in surprise, both of his brows raised. Carmen dropped him a small curtsy and hurried behind Ramon who was walking just ahead of her. “Say, which way is the garden?”