The next morning, Thomas awoke at his usual hour, despite having returned home so late the night before. He took a quick breakfast alone, and then immediately called to have the carriage brought around front.

“You seem to be on quite the mission this morning, My Lord,” said the footman as Thomas climbed aboard.

“I will admit, I do have rather pressing business to attend to. You know the way to my brother’s accommodations?”

The footman gave him a questioning look, but out of propriety, didn’t dig deeper. “Yes, quite well, My Lord.”

They were off soon after. As the carriage bumped along through the city streets, Thomas did what he could to focus on the world around him, rather than disappearing into the grim potential implications of who-double-crossed-who. Commoner merchants were set up along the streets selling their wares. Ladies from fine families strolled about with their chaperones, shopping or making social calls with one another. Constables circled the various parks that they rode passed, ensuring visitors stayed in line. All in all, it was a morning no different than any other.

Though it was different. Incredibly different.

Now, Thomas knew the taste of Lady Evelina’s lips. Despite everything going on, he found he could not divorce his thoughts from the way her body had felt against his, the way she’d breathed his name so softly as they’d stood flush together by the fence.

You must clarify this disastrous business situation, Thomas told himself.You must, if Lady Evelina is ever to be fully yours.

They arrived at Gerard’s lodgings soon after. Thomas thanked the footman as he stepped out from the carriage, and told him that he planned to return within the half hour.

When Thomas had first made it back to London from the Far East, he’d been surprised to find his brother had taken up residence in a bachelor pad on the edge of downtown. It was a nice apartment, yes, but Thomas hadn’t really understood the need for him to spend money additional accommodations. Elvington Manor was large enough for everyone, and with Father having passed on, it made sense for Gerard to take over Thomas’ old bedroom, while he himself moved to the master suite.

“Perhaps that would make sense for you, if our situations were reversed,” Gerard had told Thomas evenly, when Thomas had brought it up. “Personally, I enjoy having a little more privacy. What does it matter one way or another so long as we can afford it?”

Now, as Thomas climbed the stairs toward his brother’s upstairs apartment, he couldn’t help but think these sorts of conversations would be much easier if Gerard had simply remained living in Elvington Manor. Why must he call upon the carriage just to have on conversation with his own brother? No wonder it was taking as long as it was for Gerard to properly sit down with Thomas to go over the London business books.

Thomas knocked on the door. He shifted his weight from foot to foot was he waited, wondering what might be keeping his brother.