“Yes, that is what you said when I asked earlier, Father. But it is obvious that you are not fine,” Rose interjected. “What is the matter?” she asked.

The Earl finally sighed in resignation.

“It’s nothing personal. Just upsetting news about the Marquess of Walsrock.”

Rose’s mind immediately went into panic mode.

The Marquess? Is he all right?

“What has the trouble-maker done now?” Her mother sneered, causing her brother to laugh.

“Probably gone on another crusade for the poor,” Adam interjected, bringing both of them to the brink of laughter.

Rose could feel her blood boiling as her mother and brother traded jokes at the Marquess’ expense. She tried to contain her emotions but failed.

“And what is so wrong with being sensitive to the plight of the common folk?” Rose thundered.

From the corner of her eye, she could see Elsa shaking her head frantically in disapproval. Of course, Elsa had cause to worry, but she couldn’t just sit there and listen to anyone rubbish the Marquess.

“Nothing is wrong with that, especially when done in moderation, Daughter. And that is exactly what seems to have landed him in trouble,” Lord Somerholm responded.

“In trouble?” Rose’s rage dissipated and gave way to concern.

My goodness! What has happened to Lord Walsrock?

“Yes, Rose. In trouble. His father has gotten tired of trying to reason with him.”

“Reason with him?” Rose asked in confusion.

“To drop this whole messiah business he has got going on. No one says not to pursue a good cause, but doing that at the detriment of your reputation is what I will never understand.”

Rose didn’t know whether to laugh or breathe a sigh of relief. So, she kept quiet instead as her father continued his rant.

“And now he has gone and pushed his father over the edge,” her father said.

“So, how is he in trouble?” Rose finally asked, not sure what exactly the problem was.

“The Duke has finally had it and is considering disowning the Marquess, since his son is bent on staying on this destructive path he has chosen.”

“Destructive path? So caring enough about those beneath your station and choosing to pursue their cause is a destructive path? What exactly is going on here? How can you see anything wrong with what Lord Walsrock is doing, Father?”

“Would you pursue a cause that doesn’t affect you, at the expense of losing everything dear to you, Rose? The Marquess is in danger of losing everything and still he chooses not to listen. That is where the issue lies.” This time, it was her mother that had responded.

“Exactly. Maybe when he has been disowned and lost his claim to all that he has, maybe then he will stop and reconsider his decision,” Adam interjected.

“Can you all listen to yourselves? We are talking about things that are affecting people in the real world, some of them standing in this room at this moment.” Rose gestured to the servants that currently stood in the corners of the room waiting for them to finish breakfast.

Her mother and brother snorted as she continued with her speech.

“And we are vilifying someone who has stood up to do something about it? Oh, dare I say that these matters actually affect us, dear Mother, even if we chose to pretend they don’t.”

“Careful, Sister. You sound like you have also bought into this nonsense.” Adam’s statement caused everyone’s gaze to fall on her.

“And what if I have?” Rose fired back. “It is a worthynonsenseafter all.”

“Oh dear!” Her mother exclaimed even as her brother’s jaw dropped in surprise.

“That’s enough,” the Earl interjected. “Rose, don’t you have more important things on your mind besides Lord Walsrock, like your pending meetings with Lord Rockgonie?” the Earl asked.