Chapter Thirteen

Rose woke up to the chirping of birds and rays of sunlight streaming into her room.

Elsa had come in and pulled her blinds open, causing the light to flood her room and warm her face.

“Good morning, My Lady,” Elsa said when her eyes fluttered open.

“Good morning, Elsa. What seems to be the matter?” she yawned.

Normally, she slept in and woke up on her own accord. However, when Elsa came in to wake her up, which was a rare occurrence, she knew something was up.

“Nothing at all, My Lady. Your parents request your presence at the breakfast table this morning. That is why I have been sent to wake you up,” Elsa said simply.

Oh dear! I should have known that was what this waking up business was all about.

The Somerholm’s rarely had breakfast together, as each member of the family had different times when they got out of bed. On the rare occasions that they had breakfast together, there was most certainly some news that needed to be shared or some emergency that needed handling. And she knew what the news and emergency was about this morning.

She’d finally and officially met her betrothed yesterday afternoon. However, she’d cut short her meeting quite early and retired to her chambers with Elsa. Her family must have been itching for news of how their walk went and when they didn’t get it, Lady Somerholm had decided to organize this family breakfast.

Of course, the aim was simple, to get news about her meeting with Lord Rockgonie.

“They won’t even let me have a good night’s rest before they descend on me for news?” Rose complained in a sarcastic tone as she struggled to get out of bed.

Elsa simply chuckled and walked over to her to help her get out of bed.

“Thank you, Elsa,” she said when she was finally in a sitting position atop the bed, with her legs touching the floor.

All that was left was a little thrust and she would have been lifted to her feet.

“No letter?” She looked longingly at Elsa.

Elsa had delivered her response to the Marquess’ disturbing letter yesterday. She’d scrambled a letter in response in a bid to handle the damage that his discovery of her betrothal had caused.

They’d retired to her chambers after her meeting with Lord Rockgonie, where Elsa had proceeded to tell her the exact tale of how she went about delivering Rose’s letter to the Marquees.

Somehow, she had expected her letter would engender a response from the Marquess, even though he said he was going to end their correspondence.

She’d gone to bed without getting such a letter and waking up this morning, she had continued to hope that he had sent one.

So he was serious about ending our correspondence after all.

She gazed at her feet absent-minded, as she began to scold herself over the many occasions she had to tell the Marquess about her betrothal but didn’t.

This one is on me.

“No letter, My Lady,” Elsa responded. “Remember breakfast, My Lady,” Elsa quickly reminded her.

“Yes. Breakfast,” she grumbled, as she finally pushed herself to her feet and went about getting ready for breakfast with the family.

Elsa proceeded to help her get ready. Yes, it was breakfast with family. However, Lady Somerholm was strict and rigid with proper manners and codes of conduct at the breakfast table. Rose couldn’t just show up without having gotten properly dressed for it.

“No shabby looking person is allowed at this table,” her mother had said several times.

Thirty minutes later, she was walking down to her family breakfast, with Elsa following closely behind.

“How nice of you to join us,” Lady Somerholm said sardonically, as soon as Rose arrived at the breakfast table.

She was the last person to arrive. Even Adam, her cynical and obnoxious brother, was already seated at the table.