“Father.” Kenneth remarked as he stood up slowly in acknowledgement of his father’s presence.

There was a brief silence in which the Duke appraised Leonard.

“I would like a moment with my son? I want to speak to him in private,” the Duke addressed Leonard.

“As you wish, Your Grace!” Leonard responded as he bowed and turned to walk out of the study.

Kenneth caught his glance as he looked back briefly before exiting through the doorway and he knew his friend didn’t like the fact that he had been dismissed off-hand. The butler also exited the study after Leonard and shut the door, leaving the two alone.

Leonard hadn’t had a choice on being dismissed, however. Even though he was chummy with Kenneth, the Duke was a different matter altogether. As much as Kenneth didn’t care for formalities being sustained when they were alone, the status quo had to be maintained whenever the Duke was involved. He knew that and Leonard knew that.

As soon as the door shut, the Duke turned to face Kenneth.

“Why do you continue to entertain such liaisons with commoners, son? Are you not aware that continued familiarity breeds contempt?”

Kenneth exhaled in frustration as a heavy sigh escaped his lips. He had engaged in such conversations with his father in the past and was not about to have another session where he had to defend his right and decision to conduct his affairs in whatever manner he deemed fit. He respected his father but they certainly didn’t see eye to eye on most issues, half of the time.

“Father, surely you must have a matter of grave importance which you wish to share with me,” he replied courteously, changing the topic.

The Duke exhaled and proceeded to take the bait.

“Yes, I do. The Lady Somerholm is having a ball in a fortnight.”

“I am aware, Father. But since when did balls and routs become of such importance to you?” Kenneth joked lightly.

“Well, are you going to honor the invitation?” the Duke continued, ignoring Kenneth’s attempt at humor.

Kenneth stayed silent for a beat, wondering if his father was actually being serious or if that was his patriarch’s attempt at a joke as well.

The Lady Somerholm was wife to Kenneth’s fiercest political opponent, the Earl of Somerholm. How was his father asking him if he was going to honor an invitation to their ball, knowing full well the rivalry that existed between him and the Earl?

“Judging by your silence, you obviously weren’t planning on honoring the invitation.” The Duke continued, “Your mother and I, however, think that you should.”

“What!” Kenneth exclaimed. “I really do not understand, Father. Why? To what end?”

“We’ve been around politics longer than you, son, and certainly before you were born. One garners more support by appearing graceful. And one way is by honoring invitations and conducting yourself with poise, even if the invitation originated from your opposition. I might not support your political objectives, son, but I most certainly would want you to succeed regardless,” the Duke responded, leaving Kenneth speechless.

“I can succeed via many means, Father,” Kenneth protested.

“Aren’t you about to sponsor a bill in parliament?” the Duke remarked in exasperation.

“How do you know about that?” Kenneth queried.

“Let’s make a deal. I’ll engender support for your bill, son, on the condition that you attend the ball and conduct yourself with grace. Do that and I’ll do my best to help your bill get passed in parliament,” the Duke responded dryly.

Kenneth paused to look into his father’s eyes.

His father had stayed out of politics and lobbying since his retirement two years ago, after surviving a health scare. Since Kenneth had taken over in the House of Lords, his father had barely lifted a finger, even when he’d approached him for help.

Having his father’s support on the bill he was about to push through the House would be a huge boost. As in spite of his father’s absence from the House, he still wielded a considerable amount of influence amongst his peers. If all it took was for Kenneth to go to a stupid ball, then so be it.

With his decision made, he stretched forth his hand to shake his father’s.

“Deal,” he said, as he took his father’s hand in his. “Would you be honoring the invitation as well?” he queried.