“Poor Mother,” Jasper said. “She was looking forward to some fresh fish.”

“Here,” Thomas said. “You can bring her one of mine.”

“I cannot, My Lord,” Jasper declared, shaking his head.

“Oh, do take one, Jasper,” Selina said. “The Dowager Duchess cannot be disappointed.”

“Thank you, My Lord—I am in your debt,” Jasper said, gallantly.

“I do like the sound of that,” Thomas said as they all walked in together. “Selina—do tell me, what should we request in exchange for a fish?”

“Hmmm.” She tilted her head to the side. “I think you should save it, brother. You never know when a favor from a Duke might come in handy.”

“I’ve been taken for a ride by the both of you,” Jasper said, although he was grinning.

“The Drakes are all known for their cunning,” Thomas said.

“Are you related to Sir Francis Drake, by any chance?”

“Distantly,” Thomas replied vaguely.

“We could never own to being related to a pirate, after all,” Selina added brightly. She knew—they were, in fact, related to him. It was a point of familial pride, albeit a secret one.

When they arrived back at Kirby Hall, Jasper ordered one of the grooms to bring his horse. Selina and Thomas waited with him.

“Have you gotten anywhere with the search?” Selina asked him.

“Not yet,” he replied. “I plan to, though.”


The groom arrived with Pilot and handed off the reins to Jasper. “Well, thank you for the pleasant morning, My Lord and Lady,” he said to both of them, bowing.

The two siblings bowed and curtsied to the Duke. “Thank you for the illuminating discussion, Your Grace,” Thomas said. Selina glanced at her brother sideways. He had a smugly-satisfied look on his face, leading her to feel suspicious.

Jasper smiled, halfheartedly, touching the brim of his hat before urging Pilot into a canter. As they watched him ride off, Selina was the first to speak.

“So?” she asked. “What do you think of him?”

“I like him very much,” Thomas replied. “I’ve talked him into allowing us to leave before he ends the engagement. I’ll be making our excuses, and then we’ll be on our way to Staunton within the next few days.”

Selina sighed nodding. “Good,” she said. She didn’t want to leave Jasper, but she knew that her prompt removal was necessary.