* * *

Leah was horrified. She was relieved that she’d worn a simple gold chain with a little heart pendant. It was of no real cost. Just sentimental value. The other ladies had worn large diamond necklaces, believing themselves safe at Gillingham Manor.

The Dowager Duchess had promised her one of her diamond necklaces as a wedding present. Perhaps even the one that had just been stolen!

She watched as everyone was searched, waiting for someone to be declared the thief, and her heirloom necklace returned to the Dowager Duchess.

Her parents were next to her, talking in low voices.

Leah searched the crowd for the Duke, finding him talking to Selina. She watched them, curious as to what they were talking about.

It seemed like Selina had just told him something of import. They both looked rather upset.

She decided that she was going to find out what. After all, she and the Duke were going to be married soon. Whatever Selina told him, she could say to Leah, as well.

“Excuse me, Mother, Papa,” she said.

“Leah—where are you going?” her mother asked. Leah didn’t respond, picking up her skirts and making her way through the crowd of concerned onlookers.

Selina and the Duke were deep in conversation as Leah approached.

“I’m so sorry,” Selina said.

“Me too,” he said, staring off into the distance.

“What’s going on?” Leah demanded. They both looked at her, clearly startled. She looked from one to the other.

“Lady Selina has just brought something to my attention,” he said, frowning. “Excuse me, My Lady. I—I have to go and talk to the Colonel.”

He moved off, leaving the room. Leah looked at her cousin. “What did you tell him?” she asked.

Selina’s eyes were on the Duke. “Lord Sandbourne left early,” she said.

“So you’re accusing him?” Leah asked, surprised.

“I’m not accusing him,” she said. “Although it’s very suspicious that he’s the one gone, just before the robberies were discovered.”

“It is,” Leah found that she had to agree. The two cousins stood side by side in silence.

In a way, it was a relief. Now that the culprit had been found, it would all be over. The Duke would be distraught, of course—to find that one’s particular friend was a criminal was upsetting.

Leah herself was upset. Lord Sandbourne had made a fool of all of them. He’d been inside of everyone’s homes, and often.

But the wedding could be rescheduled. Perhaps for the end of the month! A June wedding would suit Leah just fine. She thought of her glorious silk wedding dress.

* * *

Jasper and Colonel Fitz arrived at Sandbourne to question Stephen. They’d brought several men from the Colonel’s regiment as back up, although they left them outside, along with the horses. The two of them were shown into Stephen’s study by his butler.

Stephen entered a few moments later. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” he asked tiredly. He was still dressed for the ball, albeit with his cravat loosened, and his jacket unbuttoned.

“After you left, it was found that several ladies had been relieved of their necklaces,” Jasper said. “One pearl and diamond, and two diamond necklaces. One of them was my own mother’s.” He tried to keep his anger reined in. How could Stephen do something like that?Mother adores him.

“Oh, my,” Stephen said. “Did you catch the individual who did it, then?”

“That’s why we’re here,” Jasper explained. “We found no one who had taken anything, still at Gillingham Manor.”

Realization dawned on Stephen’s face as he seemed to deflate. “You think it was me.” He glared at Jasper. He glanced over at the Colonel. “Would you give us a moment, please. I need to speak to myfriend, candidly.”