Finally, it was the day of the ball. He dressed, hiding his pistol in a holster beneath his arm, pulling his jacket on over it, then went downstairs, to greet his guests. He’d spent the morning, overseeing the final preparations.

As he stood by the front door, greeting his guests, he spotted Selina, the moment that she stepped out of the carriage. She was dressed in a gold silk gown, which matched the color of her hair.

It was like seeing her for the first time, all over again. His pulse quickened, and he felt struck. He watched her as she laid eyes on him, and he saw his own feelings mirrored in her gaze.

“Your Grace?” Lord Morton asked.

“Hm?” he replied in a daze. He had to tear his eyes away from her. Lord Morton was looking at him oddly. “I’m sorry—what did you say?”

“I was saying,” Lord Morton said, then cast his eyes toward the group from Kirby Hall. He smirked at Jasper knowingly. “Ah. I see. Your Lady arrives.” He laughed good-naturedly, then bowed to him. “It’s good to see you so taken, Your Grace.”

Jasper smiled, bowing back. “Thank you, My Lord.” Luckily, Lady Leah was standing beside Selina. Lord Morton was none the wiser.

Lord and Lady Kirby were the first of the party to approach. He greeted them warmly, keeping his eyes on them. He then greeted Lady Leah, bowing to her. He complimented her, as was right. She placed her hand in his, and he pressed it, promising her the first dance. He was so aware of Selina’s presence. It was like attempting to ignore a brilliantly glowing light—absolutely impossible.

When he finally turned to her, and their eyes met, he paused, taking her in. “You look lovely, My Lady,” he said, feeling almost as if he was out of breath.

She curtsied. “Thank you, Your Grace.”

He didn’t want to let go of her hand, didn’t want her to go anywhere. “I must beg you for the second dance, My Lady,” he said.

“I’m all yours, Your Grace,” she replied with a smile. His mouth went dry at the sentence.

God, that I should be so lucky.

It took all that he had in him to let go of her hand. He could feel the space in between them growing as she walked away. He couldn’t bear the distance, not for much longer.

He was sure that after tonight, there would be nothing stopping him from ending his engagement, and then he would have the freedom to pursue the lady that he loved with every fiber of his being.

He pictured Selina, dressed in white, like an angel, walking down the aisle, toward him. He had to force himself not to go any further than that. The next arrivals stepped toward him and he had to put her out of his mind and focus.

* * *

Selina moved through the crowd. Even though the gentlemen hadn’t asked for her assistance, she still planned on keeping an eye out for anyone acting suspiciously. So, she walked around the edges of the room, fan open, and in front of her face as she fanned herself lightly.

It was very warm—the whole County’s nobles had turned up, and then some. The room was filled with the low hum of conversation. Everywhere she looked, candlelight illuminated soft, colorful silks and the glint of diamonds.

Her own dress was soft, the silk fabric lightweight. Her skirts swished around her legs. Her little dancing slippers pinched her toes. They were fashionable, not meant for comfort.

That was where Lord Munro found her.

“Lady Selina!” he called out, bowing to her.

She curtsied. “Lord Munro.”

They stood, side by side, looking out at the crowd. “I take it you’re having a look about?” he asked, lowering his voice.

“Indeed,” she said, holding her fan in front of her face, to hide their conversation. “No one would suspect that I’ve my eye out for anyone out of the ordinary. It merely looks as though I’m taking a look at the ladies’ dresses and for any potential dance partners.”

“That’s very smart,” he said. “His Grace tells me that you knew of an Italian Duke?”

“Yes, I did.”

“You knew him personally?” Lord Munro folded his hands behind his back, standing straight, and letting his gaze travel the room.

“Yes, actually.”

“Did he show any signs that he might be…” he trailed off, giving her a meaningful quirk of the eyebrow.