They reached the lake in record time. They could still see the others. Faith and the groom who had accompanied them, waited.

Jasper jumped down off of Pilot, then walked over to help Selina dismount from her side saddle. She got down easily without help. He arrived by her side just as her feet landed on the soft ground. Jasper turned to help Faith down, instead.

They all stood beside their mounts. Selina produced another apple for Aphrodite, as well as one for Pilot.

“What else do you have in those pockets?” he wondered curiously.

“Just apples, unfortunately,” she said, scratching Aphrodite’s forehead. “She’s lovely.”

“I’m glad you two get along,” he murmured. She beamed. He was pleased. He had expected it to go well, and it had.

From far off, Lord Sandbourne waved. Selina raised her hand and waved back.

“This was a good idea,” she said.

“Lady Leah’s, actually.” He couldn’t take credit for the idea, after all. Lady Leah had surprised him with her sudden interest.

“Shocking,” she murmured.


“She’s trying, you know.”

“I know,” he replied, sadly. “She’ll find someone better, of course. Hopefully, someone who loves her like I love you.”

She smiled, her eyes on the others, as they rode toward them. “I can’t look at you right now, or they’ll all know.”

“Look at me,” he demanded gently, his heart pounding. “Selina. Look at me.”

There was a beat, and then she looked at him, her love for him evident in her eyes, and the way that they shone. His desire to have her, all for himself, was burning through his veins. He held her gaze for a full moment.

She licked her pink lips, her tongue darting over them. He thought of taking her to his bed—where she would be his, body and soul. He exhaled, tearing his eyes away to find the others nearing them. He smiled at them as he swallowed.

“Whatever are you two talking about so cozily?” Leah demanded. Selina looked at her cousin.

“How lovely today is,” Selina replied, looking up at the sky.

Jasper followed her gaze. She was right, of course. The sky was a dizzying display of blue.

* * *

As the Duke helped her down from her horse, Leah felt annoyed. Her moment alone with the Duke had been ruined again, by Selina,of course. She wasn’t prepared to go fast. She had never liked to go fast.

She noted the way that he looked at her cousin—it was sickening. But all gentlemen looked at Selina in that way. The grooms had spread out a picnic blanket for them, and they all gathered on it.

Leah opened the picnic basket, taking out the plates. She handed the bottle of wine over to Selina, who began to take out the glasses. They all began to eat as the ladies handed out the drinks and the little sandwiches, cakes, and the fresh strawberries that had been brought from Gillingham Manor.

Leah ate, enjoying the fresh strawberries the most. The strawberry plants at Gillingham Manor were second to none in the entire county. The Dowager Duchess had become legendary for them. One more thing which Leah planned to continue.

“It’s the perfect time of the year for a wedding,” Lord Sandbourne commented.

“Yes, it is,” Leah agreed. “That’s why His Grace and I chose it for ours, originally.” Leah smiled over at the Duke. His mouth was slack. She supposed he, too, was disappointed. Their wedding day would have been only a few days thence. “I suppose the summer will be just as good, though.”

“Lady Leah,” Lord Munro began, “When, pray tell, will we finally see you wed to my brother?”

Leah glanced over at the Duke, who answered for her. “Once we have the individuals who are running havoc about the county.”

“We’re quite safe out here,” Reuben pointed out. “Why not have a little wedding? With just the two families and some people from the neighborhood?”