Leah looked at him, curiously. “Why did you purchase Aphrodite? She looks like a lady’s horse.”

He laughed. “She is a lady’s horse. She takes skill, however. She’s young and very feisty. I’ve not seen you ride in years, My Lady, and I don’t want you to have more horse than you can handle.”

Leah nodded. She glanced over at Aphrodite, becoming very excited. He must have bought her for Leah. He must have—and was planning to train her up a bit before presenting her as a wedding gift. She glanced over at the grey mare. She did feel better about riding her. But she wanted to ride Aphrodite. She supposed that she’d have to prove to him that she was able to ride and ride well.

* * *

Jasper rode Pilot beside Lady Leah on Flora. Just ahead of them, Lady Selina and Stephen rode side by side, chatting affably. From where he was, Jasper could only catch parts of their discussion. Lady Selina rode Aphrodite with skill.

The young mare, who had a bit of a fiery attitude, was as docile as a kitten when handled by a skilled rider. He was watching an expert at work. Not to mention, Selina, in her dark-green riding habit looked like a picture on top of the dark and delicate mare. Faith rode just a little way behind her mistress, always present, silently listening to everything that was going on.

It was why he’d purchased Aphrodite—with Selina in mind. He was dying to talk to her, but as soon as he’d arrived, Stephen had skillfully maneuvered, so that he was the gentleman riding beside her.

Several grooms had come with them, and they were riding a short distance behind them. They were armed with pistols. Jasper and Stephen both had pistols of their own. They were well-armed, as well as prepared, and they would remain on the grounds of the Gillingham estate.

They rode across the estate, riding through the little wood that covered part of the Gillingham Manor estate. They rode near to Reuben’s little lodge, which looked oddly deserted—no smoke rose from the chimneys. Not a soul stirred on the grounds.

When he glanced over at Lady Leah, she was frowning. “How absolutely rustic,” she commented.

“Rueben doesn’t require much,” he replied. His brother’s tastes were simple. He kept the house in good condition, but it was neither elegant nor impressive, like Gillingham Manor.

“It’s so old and plain,” she stated. “I’m so glad that Gillingham Manor is so much more aesthetically pleasing.”

“I’m glad you think so, My Lady.”

“I absolutely love our future home,” she said, with pride. She was smiling at him, clearly meaning it to be a compliment of the highest order. He smiled back, checking himself. He swallowed nervously. He needed to tell her.

Now was, naturally, the worst time to do so. Lady Leah was clearly uncomfortable on a horse. Her back was very straight, and she was pulling back on the reins so that Flora kept stopping.

“You know, My Lady,” he said. “You shouldn’t keep pulling like that. She’s very well-trained, and you can simply guide her with the reins.”

Lady Leah blinked. “Yes. Yes, of course.” She placed her hands down, loosening the reins so Flora could move her head freely. The mare trundled forward, doing her best to remain in step with Pilot, whose stride was long and easy.

“Much better, My Lady,” Jasper assured her. His praise brought a broad smile to her face.

* * *

Selina was having a wonderful time. The sun was shining down on their ride. There was a gentle breeze, she and Lord Sandbourne were having a jolly conversation, and Aphrodite was an absolute gem of a horse.

She wondered if she could get Jasper to lend Aphrodite to her—permanently.

“So, how are you finding our quiet little corner of England?” Lord Sandbourne asked her.

“I love it here,” she said. “It’s so green, and the air is so fresh.” She couldn’t help but disagree with the term “quiet.” Gillingham County had been anything but quiet. But there was no reason to bring that up and spoil the mood.

“It is that,” he agreed, with a laugh.

“Was that Lord Munro’s house that we just passed?” she asked, gesturing with her chin in the direction of the neat and moderately-sized house that they were traveling past.

“It is, indeed,” Lord Sandbourne said. “It’s very cozy, inside, though it may not look it from here.”

“Are you often there?” she asked.

“No, My Lady,” Lord Sandbourne said. “Lord Munro is more often found at Gillingham Manor.” A man on a horse issued from the gates of the lodge. She recognized Jasper’s brother—he had the same set of shoulders as Jasper. From far off, the two looked strikingly similar.

“Oh, look! It’s Lord Munro!” Selina said. “I believe he’s coming to join us!”

Rueben rode toward them. He was smiling widely as he touched the brim of his hat.