* * *

Jasper waited, his eyes on the hill, over which she usually appeared. He thought of her, how she looked on the day when she’d come running toward him, her hair loose, and her cheeks rosy. Desire for her caused his body to react. He felt a warmth in the pit of his stomach. He sighed, pacing as he waited.

The sun began to progress through the sky as the hour grew later. Clouds rolled in, and it began to drizzle. He wondered what was keeping her.

Perhaps she couldn’t get away. It began to rain, in earnest. But he couldn’t bear to pull himself from the spot. What if she finally came, only to find that he’d gone?

He stood, his back against the tree. The branches sheltered him, but only a little. A drop of rain slipped down over his forehead, and he brushed it away. His stomach rumbled, and he was soaked through.

He finally realized, with a shock, that she wasn’t coming. She wasn’t comingat all. He felt like a fool, standing there, in the pouring rain.

He stood up straight and began to head for Pilot, who was grazing nearby. He slipped the bridle back on, then climbed up onto his saddle. Using his heels to guide the horse, he rode through the pasture gate.

He headed straight for Gillingham Manor. He was going to find out the meaning of it. He was worried that perhaps something had happened to prevent her from coming to meet him, something bad.

Perhaps, she had encountered the men that he sought, while she was headed to meet him. If that was the case, then he needed to alert everyone that she was missing. First, he would change. If she had merely not come, then he didn’t want to be humiliated by showing her that he’d waited in the rain.

He didn’t know what to think.

Jasper arrived back at Gillingham Manor, where he climbed down off of Pilot. His groom exited the stables, frowning a little at Jasper’s sodden appearance.

“Give him a good rub down,” Jasper ordered. “And if you would, saddle Archer for me. I’ll need to go out again, immediately.”

“Of course, Your Grace,” the groom said, taking Pilot by the reins.

“Thank you.” He turned and walked toward Gillingham Manor.

When Jasper entered the house, it was very quiet. The servants were finished with their daily chores, and he suspected that his mother was in her rooms, sitting quietly. His brother was likely at his lodge. He was relieved not to have to explain himself. He kept up a brisk pace as he headed for his room.

His valet met him there.

“Your Grace?” Frederick asked, frowning a little at his wet clothes.

“I’ll need dry clothes, Mr. Frederick,” he ordered. There was a light rapping at his door. He opened it, to find his mother, standing there.

“Jasper!” she exclaimed. “You’re soaked through!”

“I got caught in the rain, Mother,” he explained.

“But—where were you? You’ve been gone all afternoon with no explanation! I was worried.”

“I have to get over to Kirby Hall.”

“Is something wrong?”

“Maybe. I won’t know until I get there.”

“Then, you can stay for a little supper? I’ll have Mrs. Landon bring you some soup.”

“No, Mother. I can’t stay.”

“Jasper?” She gave him the same searching look that she’d given him since he was a child. It was almost as though she were looking inside of him.

“It’s fine,” he replied. “Everything’s fine. I hope.”

“I’m worried about you. You’re acting strangely.”

He sighed. “I know.”

She gave him an odd look of concern but nodded. “I’ll be in the parlor.” She left, to his relief.

He turned to Frederick, who had a clean and dry suit of clothes set out for him.