“I think I know which gentleman has caught your eye,” she said.

“Yes, I believe you have.” Her eyes were on the set of his shoulders in his green jacket. He turned his head, pointing toward one of the little fruit trees which lined the garden. Leah clung to his arm, leaning into him.

“Should you need somewhere to go, I can offer you my protection, despite it being a little out of the norm.”

“I have written to my brother, to see if I can stay with him, while things…rearrange themselves.”

“I hope you’ll stay nearby, My Lady. I think things will rearrange themselves accordingly.”

“My Cousin is quite set on marrying him, Your Grace,” Selina said. “I think it will take some…extra time, and quite possibly, distance.”

“I see,” the Dowager Duchess said. The two of them gazed upon the Duke and Leah, as they walked just ahead. Leah was waving her hand at the gardens. “For your sake, and happiness, as well as my son’s, I hope it doesn’t take too long.”

* * *

Jasper wondered what his mother and Lady Selina were discussing. He could hear their voices, but he couldn’t make out what they were saying. Meanwhile, Lady Leah clung to his arm.

“I’m very excited,” Leah said. “I can’t wait to begin plans for the gardens.”

“Yes, I’m sure,” he replied. “Although they don’t require much work. My mother has spent a great deal of time in planning them as they are now.”

They walked in silence for a moment. Jasper thought about how the gardens were his mother’s pride and joy. How sad she’d be if she weren’t allowed some hand in them.

“Have you gotten far, in finding him?” Lady Leah asked. “The man who murdered poor Lady Langley?”

“No, My Lady,” he replied. “But I’ve got as many people as I can, searching out the culprit. We’re all on it.” He wondered what her interest was in the whole sordid affair.

“Good. Perhaps we can start plans to reschedule the wedding. Perhaps, June?” she asked, causing him to panic.

“I couldn’t say, My Lady,” he replied. “I cannot, in good conscience, reschedule when I haven’t stopped the crimes from happening.”

“Perhaps we can plan a little outing?” Lady Leah suggested. “I would like to get to see your horses.”

Jasper frowned. Lady Leah had never shown any interest in his horses before. He was thrown by it. “Of course, My Lady. I can take you riding on the estate, if you’d like.”

“I would. Very much,” she said, beaming up at him.

* * *

Leah was ecstatic when Selina and the Dowager Duchess caught up to her and the Duke. Selina wondered what could have made her so happy.

“His Grace is going to take me riding,” Leah said, ecstatically.

The Duke glanced at Selina. “Would you like to come as well, My Lady?” he asked, frowning.

“I would be delighted, Your Grace,” she said.

Leah’s face fell, but then she smiled. “Why don’t we invite Lord Sandbourne, as well? We can make a small outing of it. And Dear Lord Munro!”

“What if you’re stopped?” the Dowager Duchess asked. “What if you’re stopped by those bandits?”

“We’ll remain on the estate,” the Duke said. “But we can bring some of the grooms with us, and arm all the gentlemen. We should all be safe, then.”

“I would certainly feel very safe, then,” Leah announced.

“Excellent,” Selina said. Her eyes met the Duke’s. He was frowning at her, seeming like he was out of sorts. She wondered what the matter could be.

She guessed that Leah was implementing her plans to make the Duke fall in love with her. It made Selina feel sad for her cousin. The whole situation made her sad.