Chapter Fifteen

Leah was immensely excited to receive the Dowager Duchess’s invitation. Selina had been invited, as well. However, it was a chance for Leah to show Selina all the things that would soon be hers, in a more intimate setting than the engagement party had been.

The Dowager Duchess was even so kind as to offer to send the barouche-landau for their use.

When they arrived, they were brought through the house and into the garden, where the Dowager Duchess had arranged a small table, set for tea.

“Welcome! Welcome!” the Dowager Duchess said. She stood up from the table.

“This is absolutely lovely!” Selina declared, and Leah felt herself puff up with pride.

“Thank you for your kind invitation, Your Grace,” Leah said. The two ladies curtsied.

“You’re very welcome,” the Dowager Duchess replied. They all took their seats at the table. Leah inspected it. There was a crisp, white cloth, laid over the top. In the center, there was a small bowl of freshly-cut cabbage roses, straight from the gardens.

“I love sitting outside at this time of day,” Selina remarked. She was wearing that straw bonnet, yet again. It made her look dowdy. Leah was glad—she had worn a white-lace bonnet, with a pale-pink ribbon.

“It’s such a lovely spring day,” the Dowager Duchess remarked. “I thought the fresh air and sunshine would do us all a world of good.”

“And so it does, Your Grace,” Selina replied.

As the Dowager Duchess and Selina talked of the weather, Leah looked around at all that would soon be hers. The gardens were just turning green, and all the flowers were coming into bloom. Next year, at this time, it would be hers.

Unless, of course, they hadn’t rescheduled the wedding. Leah was horrified. By then, she’d be four-and-twenty. The idea that she would still be waiting to become the Duchess in a year’s time curdled her stomach.

The tea was brought, and she studied the set—it was gold-rimmed, eggshell-white porcelain, with pink flowers on it. She liked it very much. Hers, soon.

She spotted the Duke from far away. He was dressed in that dark-green jacket of his, which brought out the color of his eyes. She watched him as he walked nearer. She felt pride that he was to be hers. All she needed to do was to make him fall in love with her. Once that happened, she was sure he’d agree to set a new date.

That meant she needed to get him away from the others. It would be a balancing act—Leah was prepared to do away with propriety in order to get him to fall in love with her. She was ready to do anything.

After all, she had to get her wedding rescheduled as soon as possible. Selina and the Dowager Duchess hadn’t noticed his arrival.

“Your Grace,” Leah said. She could not read his gaze. He smiled at her, and she felt herself blossom. There was hope, still, she just knew it.

* * *

Selina turned when Leah addressed the Duke. He smiled at them. A bit of his hair had fallen over his forehead, making him look dashing.

“I was just coming to see how your tea was getting on,” he said.

“Very well, Your Grace,” Leah replied.

“I was just about to suggest that we all take a turn about the gardens,” the Dowager Duchess said. “Would you care to accompany us, my son?”

“I’d be happy to, ladies.” He bowed gallantly.

“Come, you must walk beside me, Your Grace,” Leah said.

“Of course, My Lady,” he agreed, offering her his arm.

“And you must walk with me, Lady Selina,” the Dowager Duchess said.

Leah and the Duke walked a little bit ahead of the Dowager Duchess and Selina. They were within sight, but just out of earshot. It appeared that Leah was doing most of the talking.

“I’ve wanted to speak with you, Lady Selina,” the Dowager Duchess said. “Just us two.”

“Why is that, Your Grace?”