She opened her mouth then closed it. She smiled at him. “Romance?” she asked doubtfully.

Lord Munro gestured with his chin toward Lord Langley. “I’d rather be devastated.”

Leah looked over at him. She suddenly wanted that. She wanted the Duke to be sad at her loss. She began to wonder how one went about it.

“Wouldn’t you rather have my brother’s heart?” he asked. “Wouldn’t that make your marriage infinitely better, instead of merely bearable?”

“And how, pray tell, would I go about getting it?” she replied. She could learn much about the Duke through his brother. They were close, she knew.

“Through his horses,” he said.

“I see,” she remarked.

“And his stomach,” he added with a laugh. He bowed low to her. “Excuse me, My Lady.”

“Of course, My Lord,” she replied, curtsying.

She looked back at Lord Langley. His children surrounded him. One of his daughters held his hand. He was not alone—not entirely.

She resolved to make the Duke fall madly in love with her before their wedding. She would make the best of the delay—use it to her advantage.