“Leave it to me, My Lady,” he said gallantly. He made his way over to Lord Sandbourne, and it was soon arranged. Not only was Lord Sandbourne excited, but Aunt Georgiana agreed to play the piano, which was tucked neatly into the corner of the room.

Lord Munro returned not long after to collect her, leading her to the center of the room, where they stood, beside Lord Sandbourne and Lady Ella, and then the Duke and Leah.

Selina felt as though she were an automaton, going through the motions as she pretended that all was right. She knew all the right steps, could rearrange her features to look as though she were having the best time.

But she could feel the Duke, watching her, while he danced with his fiancée. Her heart felt like it was falling to pieces.

* * *

As Jasper danced with Lady Leah, she smiled at him, the gesture not reaching her eyes. They went through the motions, Lady Leah asking him questions. He answered, giving her the correct answers. She beamed at him as he complimented her. It would always be this way between them—lukewarm.

There was a moment, where the dancers shuffled, the ladies switching partners, Lady Selina’s eyes met his, just as they pressed their hands together. They stepped in a quick circle, and then, she was gone, replaced by Lady Leah.

He wanted nothing more than to ask her to dance with him, but Stephen got there first, for the next set. Of course, she agreed. Lady Selina could never give Jasper preference. He felt like a complete fool—he’d never once considered the fact that she might be hurt. And that it was all his fault, for not acting sooner.

Jasper found that he could switch with Lord Kirby for the next one. He secured himself a glass of bourbon, then took up residence in a spot by the fire.

He watched the pairs, as they danced. Lady Selina was smiling, but her eyes were not. It was his own fault.

He just had no idea how to end the damned engagement. He saw the way Lady Leah looked at him—like she owned him. She wanted the title of Duchess and Gillingham Manor. She wanted comfort and luxury. She wanted him for the trappings of his life—she wanted him for the details, and not for himself.

Lady Selina was right—he was the one with the agency to end it.But how?How could he do it without bringing scandal upon his family? His mother and brother relied upon him to be the one to keep up appearances. He was neighbors with Lord and Lady Kirby. Lord Kirby often bought or bred horses with him. Their anger and hurt would be a decided blow.

He mused darkly to himself, standing there, watching them all. He had not the slightest idea. Lady Leah and Lady Selina were both standing next to each other as the next dance began.

Two very different ladies who both held him in their grasp. Lady Leah, to whom he was, in almost every way, wed. Then, Lady Selina, who had his heart.

* * *

Leah couldn’t help but note the Duke’s reserve. His brows were furrowed, and his lips were a grim line. She finished the set and then excused herself. It was now her duty to ensure that he was well.

She walked over to him, fanning herself with a hand. It was a smallish room, one which wasn’t suited for dancing. Lord Sandbourne didn’t possess anywhere better. Not to mention, the piano had been placed in here.

“Are you well, Your Grace?” she asked as she neared him.

He looked at her, smiling weakly. “I’m fine, My Lady. Thank you,” he said, taking a sip of his bourbon.

“Can I have something brought for you, Your Grace?” she offered. She had a proprietary feeling toward him. His needs were her duty, as his soon-to-be-wife.

“I’m well, My Lady,” he replied.

“Very well, Your Grace,” she said, following his gaze toward the dancers. She could only guess why. “I, too, think that dances with only three couples are a bit tawdry.”

“Do you, My Lady?”

“Indeed,” she said. “It should be at least six couples at any time, just like at our engagement party.” She was very proud that she’d taken it into consideration.

When Leah glanced over at him, he was studying her, a tight-lipped smile on his face. His eyes looked tired, as though he just wanted to be gone.

“But now there are onlytwocouples,” he pointed out.

“So it is, Your Grace,” she said. “When we host at Gillingham Manor, I will make sure that there are at least enough to make six couples. However, I’m sure that Lord Sandbourne didn’t consider it at all.”

“He didn’t, My Lady,” the Duke replied. “He’s a bachelor, after all. He didn’t expect there to be dancing.”

“He needs to find himself a wife,” Leah said. “One who will remind him of the importance of these things.”

At the moment, Lord Sandbourne was dancing with her cousin. Lady Selina and Lord Sandbourne were all smiles, avidly talking about something. Selina, as Leah knew, always looked thus.