Lady Selina began walking again, a little faster than she had before. Jasper followed her, catching up in the matter of a few strides.

“Will you ever meet me out here, My Lady?” he asked. “I would like to show you that mare of mine.”

“I cannot, Your Grace,” she replied. “However, I suppose I cannot stop you from finding me while on my daily walks.”

Their eyes met. He smiled—she had seen right through him. She was holding him at arm’s length. No doubt, in an attempt at propriety. He was surprised, though. She hadn’t worried about that before.Why now?What’s changed? He would find out.

Kirby Hall loomed in the distance, all of its windows watching them like eyes.

“Will you be visiting your fiancée?” Lady Selina asked him. Her tone was measured—neutral.

“No, I think not,” he replied, not in the mood to be given all the day’s updates on his wedding. “I’ve done my duty in seeing you safely home, My Lady.”

She blinked. She opened her mouth, then sighed. “Thank you, Your Grace.” She curtsied, then turned to her maid. “Come, Faith.”

Jasper bowed to her, then he stood there, watching the two of them as they walked through the greenway toward the hulking mass of Kirby Hall. He had the strongest feeling that she was keeping something to herself. How he wished that she would just speak to him plainly.

He wished, too, that she would glance back. She did not.