Chapter Eight

The ladies had all arrived, for the tea, and to see Leah’s completed wedding gown. Leah’s heart was pounding in her chest. Today was all about her—the new Duchess of Gillingham, or she would be.Only a few short weeks to go!

It was a cozy gathering, in Leah’s rooms, where chairs had been placed for them all to sit. After the fitting, they would move to the withdrawing room, where there would be tea, finger sandwiches, and cakes.

“This is such a good idea,” the Dowager Duchess proclaimed. “A new tradition.”

“Agreed,” Leah’s mother said as they all sat. “Selina, dear. You’re very quiet.”

“I’m just a bit tired, that’s all,” Selina replied, without her usual bluster. Leah noted that her cousin looked pale. That was fine. Better than fine—she wouldn’t take the attention off of Leah. Hopefully, if she were going to leave, she wouldn’t make a big to-do.

Leah went into the other room, where her maid helped her get the dress on. She stepped out and into the room, where the ladies all made cooing sounds.

“You look so beautiful, Lady Leah,” Lady Morton said. “That shade of white is exquisite.”

“And how will you be fixing your hair?” the Dowager Duchess asked.

“In a low chignon,” Leah replied. “With a few curls, framing my face.”

“I have the perfect diamond and pearl comb that you can borrow,” the Dowager Duchess said.

“Oh, how kind, Your Grace,” her mother said.

“I’d be honored, Your Grace,” Leah added, beaming at her mother-in-law. She felt as though she’d finally come into her own. This was the moment, smiling at the Dowager, who was graciously stepping aside for Leah to take her place.

Leah stepped back inside of the room next door so that her maid could help her change out of the wedding gown and into the light blue silk she’d chosen for the tea.

When she’d stepped out, Selina had already excused herself. Leah felt relieved—for once, Selina had the decency to get out of Leah’s way. She glanced around at those gathered—they all smiled at her. She sat down with them—the ladies of the surrounding county. She was taking her place among them.

* * *

Selina didn’t know what to do. Seeing Leah in her wedding gown made it all seem too real. For the first time in her life, she’d felt jealous. Her pulse was thundering in her ears as she made her way to her room down the hall from Leah’s.

It was a strange feeling, and it had come over her so quickly.

“I don’t at all feel myself,” she said as she burst into her room. She didn’t know what to do. She felt like she had to do something. But there was nothing to be done.

All her life, she’d felt as though she had agency. Her parents had always made it so. The world was not what they’d prepared her for. She was a lady, and only gentlemen had the final say in what happened. The Duke of Gillingham was the one with the power—to demand, to court, to marry or not marry Leah.

She sank down onto her bed.False promises.The door opened, and Faith peered inside.

“My Lady?” she asked.

“I’m feeling unwell,” she murmured.

“Is it seeing Lady Leah in her wedding gown?” Faith asked, sagely.

That’s when Selina burst into tears, covering her face with her hands.

“Come now, surely there’s something that can be done,” Faith said, sitting down beside Selina.

“But what, Faith?” she asked, dropping her hands to her lap.

“Well, My Lady,” she said. “We could leave and head back to Staunton.”

“We might have to,” Selina agreed. Suddenly, Staunton seemed like a safe haven, even empty of the usual bustle of the entire family.

“It’s quite all right, My Lady,” Faith assured her. “A gentleman was going to catch your eye someday.”