She undid the top of her nightgown, unbuttoning it, then taking it off, letting it fall from her shoulders to pool on the ground. She raised her eyes to meet his, seeing how much he wanted her.

She stepped over to him, in nothing but her skin and the light from the fire. She felt like a goddess, from ancient times—powerful, feminine.

Selina reached for him.

“Allow me,” he said, holding her gaze as he tugged his jacket off and then pulled his shirt up and over his head. Her eyes traveled over his chest—muscular, covered in a light dusting of dark hair.

She’d never thought of him naked. Now, seeing him this way, she found that there was more of him that was hers, and hers alone. To know him, intimately, excited her.

She sat back on the bed, watching him remove his boots, then his breeches. He was perfectly formed in every way. The way that the firelight played across the planes of his skin, lighting up his muscles, it made her think of a Renaissance painting. Anticipation made her skin tingle.

He walked over to her, sitting down beside her, taking her by the hand.

“I’ve thought about this moment for so long,” he murmured, his voice low like a growl. Selina had thought that she’d known him, completely. This was a new side of him, one which she liked. How had he hidden his physical desire for her? Right then, it was on the surface. She felt her own, rising to answer.

He placed his hand on her cheek, his thumb on her bottom lip. She kissed his thumb, sucking on it, then nipping the meat of his. His eyes flashed with dark desire, grabbing her hips, and pulling her into his lap. His hand on her lower back, holding her close to him.

With his other hand, he placed it on her stomach, trailing his fingers downward. He parted her netherlips with his fingers, stimulating. She moaned softly.

“God, you’re absolutely perfect,” he murmured. Parting her legs, he continued to stimulate.

“What is this?” she murmured, rather enjoying it.

“It’ll help,” he replied. He got down on his knees by the bed. He began to use his tongue. A warm sensation filled her stomach, as he teased her.

She began to pant a little. She was reminded of butterflies’ wings, beating quickly. A flower, slowly blooming, its petals stretching open. “Oh, Jasper,” she moaned, her voice taking on a darker edge.

“Do you like it,” he asked. She opened her eyes.

This was not at all how she’d imagined it—she had expected it to go awkwardly. But this wasn’t at all awkward. It was moving forward smoothly, and she was enjoying herself.

He kept going, his tongue lapping at her like a cat’s. He was gentle, teasing. She arched her back, her hips bucking as her orgasm crashed through her, like waves. His hands held her hips.

He got onto the bed beside her, sitting back against the pillows. “Come here,” he said, holding his hands out to her.

Selina found herself wanting more—she wanted him inside of her. She knelt beside him, and wrapped her fingers around his manhood, pumping up and then down. He hardened in her hand.

“Come here,” he said softly, guiding her with his hands as she moved into his lap, straddling his hips with her legs. He guided himself to her entrance.

She lowered herself onto him, feeling the pain as her hymen broke. It was excruciating, but only for a moment. She kept going, and he guided her, using his hands on her hips.

Suddenly, she relaxed, and then the pleasure came, building, slowly. She felt her skin heat. She moaned, softly.

He laid her back onto the bed. He entered her again. She rocked her hips upward, to meet his.

She bit her lip. He moved slowly, then as he hardened inside of her, he began to quicken his movements. He held himself up, his muscular arms supporting him so that he didn’t crush her.

He lowered his lips, taking her nipple in between his teeth, then sucking. She felt a warm flash in the bottom of her stomach. She cried out softly.

Selina arched her back as he continued, his eyes were on her, gauging her reaction. She cried out as waves of pleasure wracked her.

He stopped, watching her with a smile.

“What?” she asked, raising her eyebrow.

“You’re shaking,” he said softly.

She reached up, placing her hand on his cheek, bringing his mouth to her lips. He continued, moving in and out of her. She rocked her hips, taking her own pleasure. This is what she had been told to expect—that making love was pleasurable. And if done right, then she would enjoy it. Jasper was certainly doing everything right.